Wooo-weee. Dang those were some great questions. Tough questions. Not the sex questions...those were the easy one. Shzzz. Insert: Big grin. But,I did have to do some serious research for this project. There would be no "cheating"! (not that I ever did--grades proved other wise). So here's looking at me. In Living Colour. Yeah, a real movie. D-R-A-M-A. Join me as I delve into my torrid and sometimes shocking past that more often than not reads as a trashy tabloid. We all have our past. Fortunately for me I'm not one who worries what the "Jones" think (nor do I care-so stiffel it). People aspire to be like me. That's what they tell me. Really. So, grab yourself a cup of java (or whatever you're drinking at this hour) and join me as I recall some of my horrific fond memories.
Salome's mom asked: Who has influenced you most in your life and why? This one was clear. My dear, dear friend and previous boss. Calvin Harvel. He gave me my big break. He believed in me. Truly believed in me to my very core. I had been divorced for a very short period of time my alimony had run out (yeah I received alimony) and knew that I needed to escape the insanity of the airlines. Needed to find something that would pay the bills so I didn't have to keep "dancing" for dinner. Ok, so I made that up. I had re-located to "Hotlanta" with hopes of discovering who I was and holding out on a relationship. You know. A re-birth. Somehow I missed the statistics that the female to male ratio was 100 women to every guy. Great place to be if I decided to take one for the home team. I was not that desperate yet. Anyway, I found the relationship(with a male--scam artist-bank rolled me) too, but it would end up costing me more than my very soul. I knew I needed to make some alterations with my life. It was spiraling out of control. Sooo, I answered an ad in the Journal for an outside sales rep. Why did I think I qualified with no experience? Yeah, I was full of myself over confidant and had nothing to loose. Some how I browbeat convinced Calvin into hiring me. From there it was a love fest. Not in that way! He gave me the self admiration to do something that I was not aware I could do or was capable of. He rescued me. I launched a start-up division which I created on my very own and with his support. It was totally foreign to him. He was my biggest advocate. He would travel into Atlanta once a month for meetings with us. He enjoyed riding along with me when I had sales presentations to make. He would get so amused watching me in action. I know he was proud of me but also worried about my mental state because of the scum bag I insisted that I loved. It was he who had the good sense to transfer me 12 states away to escape the addict. Not really 12 states, but far enough that I was able to make a clean break. He was smart enough too to know not to dismiss the looser. The heart only wants what it can't have. Right! So, when he proposed the idea of me opening a new territory and promoting me, well I was simply flattered. I didn't realize until I had set up shop in my new digs what he really had done for me. We have stayed in touch over the years. I hope he always knows how much I love and admire him. He still makes me smile whenever I think of him. He will always be my shinning star. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met fh and I wouldn't have my two miracles.
Sam asked: What the most obnoxious thing anyone has said to me about adoption and how did you react? Gosh, there have been numerous. I will give you a few that turned my stomach. "You can just go over to China and buy a baby cuz they just spit them out over there". And, "Why didn't you have your own children"? Most hurtful. (September 17th-21st is looking like the travel date...mark your calendar).
Heather asked: Can you tell us/me more about what it is like to live life w/ an au pair living in your home with you? As you know, I seriously consider it... but worry I'll feel too uneasy about having to give up my privacy. Thoughts? Insight? Etc?Love,Heather. Heather, if you would have asked me this a year ago you might not have received the same response as today. I was an emotional wreck initially. There was an acclimation period as you can well imagine. Huge for me. Fh and I went from just the two of us to five people all living under the same shelter. It was an eye-opener. We were all trying ferociously to balance and make it work. I worried constantly that she was comfortable and not homesick. Not to mention her adjusting to our way of life and the different cooking. We did set ground rules as we felt there needed to be some guide lines. She did have access to a car pretty much at all times. We never felt it was necessary to set a curfew as the girls have all been over the age of 21. That said we've also only ever had Asian girls in the house. There is a total respect for FH and I and I attribute that to their culture. I've never had any confrontations and they have in turn never given me reason to question their behavior. As far as privacy in the beginning it did take some getting use to. But, she is family now and I wouldn't ever want her to feel she was not welcome or worse not family. We have so enjoyed learning about her culture and customs. There is an innosense about Mai that is so captivating. We are lucky to have her and our girls love her to pieces. She treats them as if they were her little sisters. It's a win-win situation for us. I would be more than hapy to discuss in more detail with you.
Anonymous said...
Why aren't Rose and Marie from Salsa in China blog on your twinkie's link list?Cate. Interesting question Cate. Why would I?! Weird. No, way weird. She is not a friend of mine. Nuff said.
Umm, yeah, right who saw this coming? I had to snicker when I read this.