Strike a Pose

No, it's not the "Miss America" runner's up, but you've heard the expression I know you have the longer you're with someone you start looking like them? True. My "girlie-girls" and I have been getting together for an annual(girls only) trip for the past *cough* cough* millinium 25+years. Standing reguirements: Sun, fun, alchol, sand, beach and fun! Did I say alchol? And fun?! Yes, fun! We're scattered all over the country like lighting bugs. As one can imagine planning anything at this stage of our lives is like a game of craps. It can be a bit sketchy trying to plan something that works with all of our funky schedules. But, man oh man do we still treasure getting together. We still laugh our asses off at some of the crazy things we use to do and wear. We're like a fine wine. We just get better with age. Check this out. We honestly did not plan this--- all of us modeling the same "skimpini". We busted out laughing when we all dis-robed and we were all wearing the same suits. Unplanned. Really. It was bound to happen sooner or later. WE have rubbed off (no we do not rub one anather..shzz)on one another after all these years!