Tanner's Playdough Food

We got a big set of playdough from Costco this weekend and he LOVES it. He likes to make all different kinds of food with it. His favorites to make are brownies, noodles, marshmallows and fruit snacks....I wonder why he likes to make those?? = )

I've decided the less clothes Tanner wears, the easier my life is. It would be so much less laundry if he just wore a diaper all day, however when I suggest it, he says, "I want clothes Mom." Too bad.

Our talks went well yesterday. We spoke in the singles branch and just let me describe the numbers to you. When sacrament started, there were 7 members, 1 bishopric member, 1 high councilor, 2 missionaries, 2 speakers (Shad and I) and 2 kids (Tanner and Kate). After about 10 minutes 2 more members showed up. So our family of 4 was almost 1/3 of the congregation. I'm so glad I got to go to BYU. Can you imagine dating with that small of pickings to choose from? They had no ward business, the sacrament passing took literally about 3 minutes, and the sacrament hymn only had 2 verses. So about 13 minutes after the hour, they turned the time over to me. Shad and I were the only speakers. I tried to drag out all of my stories with more details so we would fill up the time. It was cool to be in a singles ward again though. They were so quiet and reverent (all but Tanner of course), taking notes while Shad and I spoke.

Well, I'm sure the kids will wake up any minute and the dishes are glaring at me from the counter as well as the groceries in the sacks begging me to put them away. Love you all!!!