I was given this award by Kim and RMJ (woo-hoo)
(This is what the person that created this award says about it, the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell,and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with.I wanted to create something special for the top ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement.Although there are MANY people I want to give this award to at this very moment, I am going to choose ten bloggers: Please grab your badge and wear it proudly, and pass it on because you inspire and encourage me, thank you. )
I am suppose to choose 10 people to pass this on too..Well this is where I have a problem.. There are more then 10 people that this award would and should represent...however I will (just this once) play by the rules. Here goes:
My partner is crime, the crazy one as she was the first and always has my back. Always! Reading her daily memoirs is a mirror reflection of my life. Identical! She is much more to me than a friend. She is family. She is compassionate about everything she throws herself into. You never get half assed with her girls. You get the real deal. I know I've voiced it before but I treasure her friendship more than I can express into words. I deeply adore and so admire her. I live vicariously through her everyday. You're my idol!
My dear friend Cindi as she so gets me. I love her adorable little giggle and her excitement talking about her twins and life and oh yeah, Ed. She understands what it's like to be a full time working mom of twins and she understands so well the day to day guilt I struggle with being a career mom. I love knowing that I can pick up the phone (hello--Sen...) and she answers or she will eagerly get in the car to meet me with toddlers in tow. Four hours away!! You, girl friend so "rock". (Ed too). I am so grateful to have you in my life.
Christine my inspiration. Although none of us have actually seen pictures of the lady with the wit, and beautiful words. I know I can always count on her when I need a lift. I also know that she is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. I suspect that she doesn't show her face as she doesn't want to make the rest of us envious. I know I can find her up in the wee hours of the night banging away on the key board. Surprising to me as she sleeps with the one we all fantasize about. *wink* I am so glad you and I crossed paths.
Secret Agent as we speak the same language. She says it like she sees it. I so feel her pain and anguish during this g-d forsaken long wait to bring her daughter/daughter's home. I'm there with you babe.
Lil Bubble Queen for her devotion and love for her beautiful daughter Lily. I can almost hear Lily telling those adorable stories she shares with her mommy. Thank you for continually making me smile.
My inner strength, Kim. (I know she was already nominated, but.....)She is one of the most compassionate people I know. She has the ability to always looks at the glass as half full or even over flowing. Never one to be all doom and gloom. Positive, warm and supportive to her friends and family. A total sweetheart.
Cougchick for her witty personality but also her ability to lend a hand or shoulder when someone is feeling blue. I heart you! I hope to meet you someday my friend face to face. I love your energy. It's electrifying!!!
Get in the car! She was one of my first blogger buds. She makes it look glamorous being a mommy to a tribe. Not only is she "hot" and "sexy" looking in her "Juicy" but she can write some funny ass shit. If you haven't been to her site go, go now. I promise it will be worth your while. Funny lady. Great mom.
Mississippi Zen for sharing her beautiful family with us. I look forward to seeing what you have posted on your site each and everyday! She so loves her family. I love that most about her.
And the beautiful Steffi B. What can I say. If there was to be a blogger cheerleader it would be her. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me think. But most of all you make me want to be a better person. You have such an awesome ability to always see the positive and good in people. You inspire. You encourage. You are a real angel. Love you...
Love you all!!
My partner is crime, the crazy one as she was the first and always has my back. Always! Reading her daily memoirs is a mirror reflection of my life. Identical! She is much more to me than a friend. She is family. She is compassionate about everything she throws herself into. You never get half assed with her girls. You get the real deal. I know I've voiced it before but I treasure her friendship more than I can express into words. I deeply adore and so admire her. I live vicariously through her everyday. You're my idol!
My dear friend Cindi as she so gets me. I love her adorable little giggle and her excitement talking about her twins and life and oh yeah, Ed. She understands what it's like to be a full time working mom of twins and she understands so well the day to day guilt I struggle with being a career mom. I love knowing that I can pick up the phone (hello--Sen...) and she answers or she will eagerly get in the car to meet me with toddlers in tow. Four hours away!! You, girl friend so "rock". (Ed too). I am so grateful to have you in my life.
Christine my inspiration. Although none of us have actually seen pictures of the lady with the wit, and beautiful words. I know I can always count on her when I need a lift. I also know that she is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met. I suspect that she doesn't show her face as she doesn't want to make the rest of us envious. I know I can find her up in the wee hours of the night banging away on the key board. Surprising to me as she sleeps with the one we all fantasize about. *wink* I am so glad you and I crossed paths.
Secret Agent as we speak the same language. She says it like she sees it. I so feel her pain and anguish during this g-d forsaken long wait to bring her daughter/daughter's home. I'm there with you babe.
Lil Bubble Queen for her devotion and love for her beautiful daughter Lily. I can almost hear Lily telling those adorable stories she shares with her mommy. Thank you for continually making me smile.
My inner strength, Kim. (I know she was already nominated, but.....)She is one of the most compassionate people I know. She has the ability to always looks at the glass as half full or even over flowing. Never one to be all doom and gloom. Positive, warm and supportive to her friends and family. A total sweetheart.
Cougchick for her witty personality but also her ability to lend a hand or shoulder when someone is feeling blue. I heart you! I hope to meet you someday my friend face to face. I love your energy. It's electrifying!!!
Get in the car! She was one of my first blogger buds. She makes it look glamorous being a mommy to a tribe. Not only is she "hot" and "sexy" looking in her "Juicy" but she can write some funny ass shit. If you haven't been to her site go, go now. I promise it will be worth your while. Funny lady. Great mom.
Mississippi Zen for sharing her beautiful family with us. I look forward to seeing what you have posted on your site each and everyday! She so loves her family. I love that most about her.
And the beautiful Steffi B. What can I say. If there was to be a blogger cheerleader it would be her. You make me laugh, you make me smile, you make me think. But most of all you make me want to be a better person. You have such an awesome ability to always see the positive and good in people. You inspire. You encourage. You are a real angel. Love you...
Love you all!!