Would you ask your child to give his/her life for you?! Take a bullet for you? How do you sell something like this to your child? "Honey, I was thinking, you know your dad and I didn't give much thought to your college education while we were getting high so we were thinking maybe you could sign up for the military". "You know see the world and as a bonus get an education". "Free". That is providing he/she doesn't come home in a body bag. Who in their right mind would encourage their child to sign up for a death wish?! Who I ask? Would he?! Of course not. He's planning a wedding. But he wants the young to believe they are fighting for the cause. Do they even know what they're signing up for? Or what they're fighting for? I'm sure they glam it up, but no, it's his personal cause. After all he was an oil man way before he was (sic) our Commander in Chief. I use that term loosely. Of course it's in his best interest to protect his stake. Don't get me wrong. I believe we need a military, just not for this war. I'm sick and tired of his bull shit. I am sick of this fucking stupid war and frankly I am pissed about the ever increasing gas prices. This is not just about the truck drivers. This effects all of us. When will it stop? Sixty dollars to fill my gas tank this evening and it's a sedan not some gas guzzling SUV or mini van. We are looking at trading my big black sedan for a Hybrid. What are you doing? How much money do the oil company's need to make to be profitable? Nine. Billion. Dollars?! Do their CEO's need to earn one million dollar salaries plus stock options with golden parachute clauses when we have people living far below the poverty line or wondering how their going to pay their rent. I know for some of you none of this matters. But it does matter. What will it take? I know from experience we can expect to see air fare increasing and only affordable to the super mega rich. Not the upper middle class. I'm talking the super uber duber rich. Food prices sky rocketing to the point where families are forced to scale back to the bare bones. The elderly who are living on a fixed incomes being forced to decide whether to purchase food or medication. Asking themselves "do I starve to death or run the risk of having a heart attack"? What about the young and those who aren't earning a six figure income? Huh? This is a situation that has gone terribly wrong. And the stimulus relief? What a laugh. People will not be putting that money back in to the economy. Hell no. As the news reporters are reporting nightly they're using that money to pay their bills! Congress needs to take action. What are they waiting for? A paralyzed nation?! I'm fed up. Are you?
Flash: Just so as I don't come off as a total hypocrite, yes we do drive an SUV. We bought it before we brought the girls home. it was for the girls. Had to be something this mommy would be seen in. You all know how I hate (really hate) mini vans of any kind. I don't get them at all. But we bought the SUV (we've always had an SUV) to haul the chicks in. Although I love it and it's is not one of those mother jumpers that you can't see around on the highway, I think her time with us is short lived too. We will probably be trading her in for something more "green" friendly and "gas" friendly. AND, no, I will not be buying a mini van! EV-AH.