My heart is bursting with joy and at the same time breaking. Why? Our dear friends and neighbors just received their referral for their beautiful baby girl. Two. Years. Later. I know you're all probably thinking, yeah, that's about right. Wrong. They were supposed to be given priority. Why? She is a Chinese National and her family lives in Shanghai. Did they get priority? No. Did they ever get frustrated? No? Did they ever had an unkind word to say about their agency? No. (I don't know how she did it-- I was a basket case) Did they ever say a cross or negative thing about China? No. They are few words. Why? Because instead of celebrating today they will be burying S's father who died the day after they received their referral. What's more heart breaking his father will never know the little lady she will become. He never had a chance to hold her. To laugh with her. To love her. Words do not express my sympathy for them but at the same time I am so excited that I will be a part of her little life. Katie and Abbey are so excited to have a little baby to play with who was also born in China! She is from Jiangxi Province. C. & S. we love you so much.....