- How old are you? Who me, or the girls? No, I'm not their grandmother. They're 22 months old. I'm much older. Thank you for pointing that out.....jackass
- They look just like you. What? Are you kidding? jackass.
- No, they don't look like their father either. Oh, you mean their biological father. I assume they do.
- How much did they cost? This is where I give the blank stare .
- No, they do not just "spit" them out. jackass.
- How much do you make? I wish more....***wink***** wink*****
- Yes, they speak English( I get this one lot!). AND yes they do understand me!
- Twins? Yes they are. No two girls. Yes, I'm sure. Really.
- How do you tell them apart?????
- Why didn't you have your own children? ?????? What?
- They must be a lot of work. Ha, are you kidding? I'll have a vino please. Make it the bottle. Where are my pill....
Top 11 (idiotic) question I get asked.......
Can't escape the paparazzi....
Who moves like Kobe, can talk to the "ladies, (so they're not 20 years old and available, nor is he!...)suave and an excellent athlete?! Well, maybe not Kobe, but has moves like a pro and has a team that worships him. Two little people who have limited vocabulary. He creates quite a stir whenever he enters a room too! The crowd goes wild. Lots of screaming fans. Incredible!
So you wonder who this gentle giant of only 5'7 - my height--but appears to be bigger than life and weighs 151.8 sadly my weight too--at least today..hmm remind me no game hot-dogs and nachos. Yes, that's right husband/Daddy-O Super-star to the star's. The salt n-peppa hottie. As most of you know the almighty "GATORS" are playing tomorrow in the final four. Big big day. Jeff was getting in a little play time with his biggest fans.
OK, so they looked more like the Harlem Globetrotters. Lots of dribbling and not necessarily from the balls. Too many fouls to count! There were more balls on the court than in any basketball game I've seen. College or Pro. I'm not an expert, however I do belie
Fancy footwork by the "star" player. Girls really thought daddy was pretty Awesome. From my center court seat he looked pretty incredible! I was cracking up with his "razzle dazzle" fancy ball handling. I was expecting him to start twirling the ball on his finger. You might say he is pumped for tomorrow.....
Check out girls taking a "time-Out".....More than allowed on the official shot clock. But, they set the rules.
Abbey decided she was taking a "time-out" for a little snack of cheese and mangoes that mommy had packed. Seems to be pretty damn content.
Finally - Family March 28, 2007
What a difference a year makes.
One year ago Jeff and I were
standing in the Nanning Civil Affairs Office to meet our daughters for the first time. We walked into the building as a couple and walked out as a family of four.
I remember thinking, finally.
It seems unbelievable that it's already been a year! The girls have grown and changed and have made our life fuller and richer just by being in them. We are the lucky ones. Our life is not what it once was. - It’s
better. Priorities too have changed. No more Morton’s or eating out
five nights a week but hello Red Robin!This is a typical morning in our home.
“Mommy”? I reply “what”? To which one of
the girls will repeat again “Mommy”? And I say “what baby”? Followed by another “Mommy”? To which I reply “What baby cakes”. This goes on for 5-10 minutes or until I start laughing and we stop.
Abbey is a free spirit. Our little “drama queen”. You might say a mini Rony-she too loves shoes. Ha ha. She is always running and has to be the first at everything. It doesn’t matter if it’s the doctor’s office or to bed. There is no neutral with Abbey. She doesn’t want to miss a thing. She is always trying to figure out how to take something apart or put it back together. Gifted?! Naturally. *wink*
She has the sweetest laugh and an absolutely-infectious giggle. Jeff and I just crack up. She thinks her daddy is so funny. Of course we all do….. Daddy loves his little girls. All of them....
Katie is a child who lives out loud. Trust me- it wasn’t always this way. She loves to dance and sing. She is our chatterbox and jabbers away in the morning talking and giggling to her self. Totally normal or so I’m told. I talk to myself and I’m normal, right? If Abbey is not awake Katie will stand in her crib and scream her name until she wakes up. Nice……Remind me to tell her to stop doing that!
She is a princess in training. She loves nothing better than carrying around her little purse with cell phone in town saying “hewoo”, hewoo”. Just like mommy. She does the cutest Miss
throw her hands over her mouth and gasp “Oh my”. Too cute.
Katie is our love bug. She loves to give kisses and be kissed. She will chase Abbey down to kiss her. She gives big “
I am constantly laughing at their antics and continually amazed at the
Jeff and I are constantly asking ourselves “is this real”? Do we really have twin daughters? Strangely enough I always knew I would have twins. It just so happened that it would take us flying half way around the world to bring them home. They are home now!
Much Love,
Rony, Jeff, Katie and Abbey Ghelerter
What a
Our lif
e now!
Before I was a mom......
Before I was a Mom
I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom
I had never been puked on. --- not on purpose anyway
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts. --debatable
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom
I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously
happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom
I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop
the hurt. I never knew that something so small
Before I was a Mom
I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.
Before I was a Mom
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.
Why did she send this to me? Because I too am a "real" mom. She has a daughter who just turned 16(same age that D and I became BFF) and here I am with two toddler's and just starting my family....crazee. I know but I would not trade it for anything. You're a good friend Diane.
The Hello Good-bye Party for Ja-Or and Mai
Ja-Or arrived in the country last year while we were still in China. It was not how I had envisioned her introduction to the states. However, for those of your who are waiting or have gone through the process you know when you finally get your travel approval you go. You run. (Thank goodness I had packed months before!!) We were lucky to have awesome neighbor's who took care of Ja-Or until we arrived home. Ja-Or will now pass the baton to Mai. The changing of the guard.

As I reflect and reminisce back on the last year, was it chaotic? Traumatic? Oh yea. But there were some good times. A few. It was a huge adjustment. For all of us. Ja-Or was such a trooper, and she helped us enormously! Yea, baby we made it!!! Ja-Or will be studying in London in the fall. She is pursuing her masters degree. We will miss you so much.....
Although we don't know Mai (pronounced My) as well yet, we are so excited to have her join our family. Not only is she beautiful but she is quite sweet with the girls. She is a r

The girls all headed into D.C. for an evening of fun and dancing. I waited up (something I have always done when Ja-Or has gone out..) but at 1:50am I crawled up to bed. I heard them talking to Jeff this morning and they said they arrived home after 4:00am! Something about a car being towed.......Girls will be girls.....
I know Ja-Or's friend Milta will m

Top Ten things I say in a day!!
- What are you doing? ....note: scrambling and running in the opposite direction....never good.
- Please stop washing your hands in dog bowl! (they sometimes wash their hair too!)
- What does mommy say? in unison "no, no, no!! Nice to know they can actually hear-although they usually act like I speak a foreign language.
- Get your fingers out of your mouth. And for that matter your nose!
- Leave your clothes on. Leave your shoes on, and for the love of g-d leave your diaper on. (usually in that order)
- Stop touching your sister....which never works.
- Sit down, sit down I said sit down. (must repeat numerous times before sinking in)
- Did you poo? To which the response is always, "no". (of course someone pooed and it wasn't me!!!)
- Honey, are you coming home tonight?...complete silence on the other end.
- Wine, yes I would love a glass!
There are more... but you get the drift....
I had to add two more because they are such a part what I say ALL day.
#11 "Get outa there". (toilet, pantry, bathroom, dog dish, closet, kitchen drawers...)
#12 I said "no".
What do they eat?
They eat everything. Except beets. I think that may have been my fault. I force fed them beets as babies. Someone told me they would keep the girls regular. G-d knows how they suffered with constipation in China and would cry in pain They won't touch the stuff now. Neither will I!
Anyway, they could just have eaten a five course meal complete with dessert-- but want whatever Jeff and I are eating. They will stand in front of us and beg like Maggie saying "maw, maw" or "pease mommy, pease". Little vultures.
Before the girls graced our lives I rarely went to the grocery-- ever. Jeff would say "what's for dinner"? I would reply "get in the car" Ah, those were the good old days. ha ha. There was never any clean up either. Not that that's ever been my problem. Jeff always cleans up. He doesn't like that I use the dishwasher as if it were a garbage disposal. He apparently hasn't figured out I do that so I don't have to do clean up. ha ha
We shop at least once a
People ask what the girls eat all the time. There really no different than you or I.... The following is a snapshot of what they eat in a typical week.
- Rice--they like rice? uh-duh... Jeff and I like rice too
- 14-16 Bananas there are two of them --and they're part monkey. you should hear them do their monkey imitation
- 6 pears
- 6 apples
- bag of white grapes -- keeps them regular
- 4-5 mangoes (they had boycotted these at one time too, however back with a vengeance)
- 5 oranges-love, love oranges
- quart of strawberries ---when in season
- 6-8 kiwi's
- bag of carrots
- can of raisins
- fresh broccoli
- 2-3Gallons of milk they still get a cup of warm milk in the moring
- String Cheese they have appetizers every evening!
- 14-16 cups of yogurt "go-gurt"
- potatoes---prepared just about any way you can make them
- beef, chicken, salmon, shrimp, veal, pork, lamb
- pasta
Oh-No. Not them too--future weight watchers
They love nothing better than running into mommies bathroom every morning
Yes, Abbey's p.j's are on backwards.....another Houdini on our hands...say it ain't so.
25.8 pounds. She is 32 inches tall at 21 months old. It's amazing to us that the three measly little pounds between the girls feels like 50 pounds . Seriously.
I think Katie felt pretty good about her "weigh-in" today. She seems to be saying--yes mommy I do look hot, and I feel totally sexy. I'm ready for bathing suit weather--let me grab my thong! I think those pilates classes really paid off. Right? ha ha. The new spokesperson for Weight Watchers! Let's hope not.
This is my Life!
What I know now:
- 12 diaper changes a day and chapped dried hands! The hell with manicures..
- 336 diapers a month--that's a lot-we need our own landfill
- roughly 4300 diapers a year---give or take a few--YUK!
- 22 trips to Costco for the super duper gigantic box of 200
- total cost about $800.00--simply priceless. *wink*
Now If I could just get the girls to stop bathing in the dog dish. Really. I can scream at them all day to stay out of Maggie's dish, but they just look at me and laught as they dive into her dish and rub their hands together and say "hand, hand". I can't help but laugh. Katie continues to go back to the water bowl and wash her hair. gage. My "mil" will die when she sees this....... They are so darn fun though....
Ok, check out Abbey--she has that damn broom again! Oh-remind me to hide that thing.....She loves her broom. You know , maybe she is trying to tell me something? I really didn't think the house was that dirty , after all Maria was just here on Friday. Maybe Abbey has a different standard than mommy. And I thought I was "fussy".
Papa---we will miss you March 18,2007
I knew when I married my husband six+years ago that he was pretty awesome, but what I didn't know at the time was that I would like or even fall in
love with his family! They were so easy to like how could I not?

Irvin and Bernice Ghelerter define what family is all about. I know from experience how much Jeff looked up and admired his grandparent's. I would often hear him on the phone discussing a "Gator" win or the occasional(ha ha) loss with his papa. Irvin too was a proud UF alumni. I guess that's why it was so important for Jeff to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. G-d does he love his beloved "Gators".
I know that my husband will pass to our children
the morals and beliefs that his papa instilled in him.
The old adage if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it. They lived by it! I always found that so amazing. Papa, grandma too were the most non-judgemental people I have ever know. I'm just sorry that our girls did not have the opportunity to meet such a fine man. Their great grandfather.
then some will have a real sadness.
Papa was his pal. We'll be there for you Andy....
I know Jeff and his siblings and the other grandchildren would never have thought of doing something
Papa, you will be missed terribly. Most of all from your gorgeous bride
and partner of 60+years-Grandma. We will love you forever and not a day will go by that we will not miss you.
The pictures you see are from papa and grandma's 60th wedding anniversary last summer. I have included a picture of Claire G--my "mil." She too loved papa and grandma very much.