Yes I can!

Breakin' the law, breakin' the law (with apologies to Judas Priest)
I did the unthinkable yesterday. In fact, I'm not even sure it's legal. I bought white pants. More specifically, white denim capris (what? they were on sale!). After I got them home, I realized they were perhaps a bit too reminiscent of "Dirty Dancing" for comfort.
I've been avoiding white pants my entire life, mostly because of a girl named Honelore. I remember her last name, too, but I'll keep it to myself. And yes, that was her real first name, though I might be off on the spelling. In junior high, Honelore got her period one day. While wearing white pants. And apparently, she failed to notice for quite a while. The whole school knew about it before lunchtime and her name went down in infamy. I tucked that little lesson away in my brain. White pants = bad.
The other problem with white pants is, of course, the fact that they are not slimming. At all. So why did I purposely buy an optical ass enlarger? That, my friends, is the question.
PrintArtKids: Masterpieces Immortalized
The "brainchild" of a local mom whose house was buried under her sons’ artwork, PrintArtKids will transform your kid’s vibrant flower painting

Looking for a great gift for Dad? Upload your photos or artwork to www.PrintArtKids.com to create a never to be forgotten, one-of-a-kind present just for Dad (or Grandpa)! Place your order by June 7th to ensure your order will be shipped to you by Father's Day!
And, ordering is a snap! Either scan or take a digital photo of your print, and upload to your computer. Since it's digital, you can use your computer to make changes to the photos before sending off to PrintArtKids. Once you've digitized your child's masterpiece, visit www.PrintArtKids.com, select the item you wish to order from “Our Products,” then click on “Order Now.” Simply upload the image to PrintArtKids following the easy to use instructions to create notepads, holiday cards, return address labels and more! For an additional fee, PrintArtKids will even erase errant scribbles.
NBC 10 Show Mom's Morning Out Field Trip..

Visiting the 10! Show is a really fun Mom's morning out. If you are interested please email your name, phone # and date (6/3 or 6/4) that you can attend to sarah@chestercountymoms.com. The show tapes in Bala Cynwyd and you have to arrive at the studio between 9am-9:30am. Space is limited so please email your info ASAP.
June 3rd: A performance from Andrew Lipke, Father's Day Fashions, Katie Cavuto will be on (she from Next Food Network Star)- a demo on sunglasses and Lee Daniels and Adam Rothenberg they will be talking about their new movie Tennessee
June 4th: The Anitque Road Show,a chef-author Janice Leiberman (talking about how to shop for a husband) Adventure Aquarium and John Debella with a pet up for adoption
FREE Ice Cream Day at The Parkesburg Walmart Supercenter
Memorial Day Weekend

The first night David, Rachelle, Ben and Will joined us. We went out to eat, went to the beach and the boys were in heaven being able to play with each other so much. We were sad to see them go.
The rest of the weekend, we did more beach, went to some parks (partaking in Kate's latest addiction....swinging. I swear if she could, she would have me push her on the swings 24 hours a day), went out to eat, ate WAY too much junk food, and slept a ton. We took the kids to the San Diego Temple because they'd never seen a temple in real life before. Tanner was in awe. He loved it and wanted tons of pictures so he could print them out and keep them. Kate just enjoyed running away from me as I tried to take pictures of her.
The weekend was wonderful. On the way home, Tanner kept asking, "But why do we have to go home? Why can't we stay at the hotel?"
Paging: The Worst Mother Ever
The children's section is in the back of the expansive store. It features one of those tabletop train sets, and the kid loves it. I tried to head her off by letting her know that she would be given ample opportunity to play with the train if she would just agree to wait patiently while I selected a book to read. I figured I'd choose some offbeat paperback and then sit in the children's section and read while she played. Her patience, however, ran out after .0003 seconds, and she began edging closer to the train. Finally, I gave up and escorted her back there. An older boy was already there playing with the wooden trains. I knelt down and whispered to my daughter. "Blah blah blah share share share blah blah other kid blah blah don't wander away blah blah." She nodded and grabbed a caboose.
I knew I couldn't go too far, so I headed to the biography section just outside the children's area. I could hear A playing with the other kid. Then I heard another boy show up on the scene and some wrangling over trains seemed to ensue. I walked back over and whispered my vague "sharing" pep talk again. I wandered a bit farther away, to the nature section, and then back to the biographies. I was looking for a good memoir but nothing was popping out at me. A lot of junk, though. I mean, Candy Spelling? Seriously?
Suddenly, I realized something wasn't quite right. No longer able to hear my kid negotiating with the others, I tucked a book (Diablo Cody's memoir) under my arm and walked back to the train. I found only rough-housing boys. No curly-headed girl in a sundress. A mom sitting in an upholstered chair looked up at me. "She got mad and headed that way," she said, pointing to the far end of the children's section. I walked in that direction but somehow knew I'd come up empty-handed. Which is exactly what happened.
I sighed and headed towards the front of the store, knowing that it would be nearly impossible to find my child amidst the countless aisles and books and people. I held my breath and waited for the loudspeaker announcement, which I somehow knew was coming.
"Attention. Would the mother of A______ please come to the front registers?" (Why did we teach that child her own name?) The voice then repeated the announcement, just in case the coffee sippers over in the cafe missed the news about the irresponsible parent.
That announcement was what the rest of the book shoppers heard, but what my brain heard was:
"Would the worst mother in the history of all time, even worse than that mom in Texas who drowned all of her kids in the bathtub, please retrieve your forlorn, neglected child from the front of the store, where she waits for you with a tear-stained face and a broken heart?"
This, my friends, is a low point in parenting to be sure. What kind of mother loses her child? I trudged to the front of the store and saw a middle-aged lady smiling and consoling my daughter. "Thank you," I told her. "I was right around the corner. I don't know how she didn't see me. Probably walked right past me! Ha ha!" She nodded and walked off, probably to look up the number for Child Protective Services.
I knelt down next to the kid and said, "You were supposed to stay by the train!" She frowned and began muttering about how it was actually my fault for abandoning her. I decided that I had reached Maximum Barnes & Noble and got in line to check out. But, it was Saturday, the busiest day of the week, so of course only one register was open. I'm sure they wouldn't have it any other way. I don't think I've ever actually seen two registers operating simultaneously at Barnes & Noble. And no, I don't want to join your %&*#ing savings club!
We stood in the line for what seemed an eternity - her pulling miniature books off shelves that were situated right at her eye level and me countering with pointless time-out threats. The day, it seemed, could not get any worse. But then . . .
"Mama! I gotta go potty!"
Celebrate the End of School with Goodies for a Graduation Party
Click here for fun crafts, make it your self gift ideas, recipes, party ideas and more from Family Fun Magazine.
Tasty Tuesday - Class of 2009 Cake

Money Saving Tip - Joovy Caboose Stroller
www.joovy.com is having a big sale on all of their Joovy Caboose strollers – I just bought the original Caboose in Appletree for $129, plus a FREE parent tray and FREE SHIPPING! If I had purchased it all through Babies R Us or Amazon, I would have spent $200 plus shipping.
This is the page that lists the sale prices: http://www.joovy.com/online_store/doublestrollers.php
Gluten Free Baking Demo at Wegman's
Event Information: Gluten-Free Baking 101: Baking Demo and Book Signing
Elizabeth Barbone, author of Easy Gluten-Free Baking will teach you the ins and outs of Gluten-Free Baking. In two hours, you will learn:
· The basic gluten-free flours
· How to stock a gluten-free kitchen
· Essential tools to make gluten-free baking easier
And you’ll see Elizabeth demonstrate two easy recipes—banana muffins and chocolate chip cookies from her cookbook. Whether you are new to the gluten-free diet or have been living gluten-free for years, you’ll learn something new in this fun class!
Date: Tuesday, May 26
Time: 6:00 - 8:00PM
Address: Wegmans Downingtown1056 East Lancaster Ave.Downingtown, PA 19335
For more info please call: (610) 518-7800
Cost: $15 Tickets available at “That’s T.H.E Ticket” locations. Click here for ticketing info.
At the alter stood my intended, smiling widely. He had a ding on his forehead. The day before, he had slammed his skull into an overhang at my sister's house. Then he informed me that it was actually my fault that he had injured himself, because I had called him from the other room.
Fifteen minutes later, we were hitched. A dozen years later, we stand on the other side of home ownership, a cross-country move, four miscarriages, multiple dogs and cats, and most life-altering of all: parenthood. The kid gets mad when she sees photographs from our wedding. "Why wasn't I there?!" she fumes.
I'm not much of a poet, but I thought I'd share the poem that was read at the wedding:
Wedding Poem
I'll fold up my heart
Like an origami bird
And present it to you
For safekeeping
And sometimes you'll unfold it
You won't remember
How to get it back
Just the right way
Or you may press it too tightly
As between the pages of some
Too large tome, until
It flutters and bounces into focus
And me, I am collecting
Here is the night I asked you to dance
Here is the moment you sank to one knee
Here is the day of hopeful promises
Together we have spun ourselves
Into something familiar, yet not overly so
My friend, my valentine, my husband
Encircling my heart in a band of gold
Happy anniversary, handsome. I still dig you. But please know that when you kick the bucket, I am still planning to sell all of your comics for one dollar. Cheers!
Memorial Day Savings at Grand Slam, Malvern
Indoor Mini Golf $4.00 a round (Save $3)
Easy Grilling for Memorial Day

Still stumped on what to make for all the guests coming over to enjoy the relaxing Memorial Day weekend?
Cookie Magazine has gathered some scrumptious & easy recipes to help you celebrate your holiday this weekend! These recipes are also great to consider if you're vacationing or even at the shore with friends and family for the weekend.
Simple and Easy Grilled Chicken | ||||
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Serves 4 to 6 | Total time: 30 minutes, plus time for marinating | ||||
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Açai Power Popsicles | ||||
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Makes 8 4-ounce Popsicles | Total time: 5 minutes, plus 6 hours to freeze | ||||
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Honey-Based Simple Syrup (optional)Makes 2 cups | ||||
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TIP: Frozen açai puree is available in most natural-food stores. If you can't find açai, you can substitute any other pureed frozen berry or fruit. |
4 going on 24
Last night, I gave in to the latest request for Play-Doh play time. In those heady post-Christmas days, I was allowing Play-Doh to be ground into my carpet about once a week. Now we're down to a once-monthly sort of thing. I keep the mushy gunk and its related accessories in a bin at the top of her bedroom closet, so that Miss Tenth Percentile is only reminded of its existence if she looks way, way up. She has a better memory than you'd think, though. So, I set up everything in her room and then put up the baby gate so that the dogs couldn't come in and eat the Play-Doh (for whatever reason, the dogs are drawn to it like zombies are drawn to the living).
My daughter remains obsessed with birthdays (just 11 1/3 months to go!) and is always molding the grey Play-Doh into birthday cakes. It's grey because that's what always happens when one combines all the colors. She learned about the concept of mixing primary colors on Blue's Clues, but she's always asking me about weird combinations. "Mama, what do you get when you mix orange, purple, and green?" "Grey," I always think to myself.
She called me into her bedroom to celebrate a birthday - mine this time. "How old am I?" I asked. I hoisted myself over the gate.
"Four, just like me," she responded matter-of-factly. She pretended to light the candles on top of the grey blob and then sat down in a blue plastic chair (and instructed me to do the same). She folded her hands in her lap and took a deep breath.
"Happy birthday to youuuuu," she began, and then stopped. "Quick! Turn out the light!" I guess we had forgotten that this ritual requires semi-darkness. I flipped the light switch behind my head and let her finish the song. "Happy birthday, dear Maaaaamaaaaa! Happy birthday to you!" She smiled at me in the twilight, her eyes shining.
And then - for a quick moment, I saw it. A flash: a stunning young woman with still-bouncy curls, the baby fat gone from her cheeks. And then, just as suddenly, she was four again. "Now it's my birthday," she announced, snatching the Play-Doh cake out of my hands.
It's bittersweet, this business of growing up. But just when I think it is all passing too quickly, I find a fruit snack wrapper in the toy box or a mysterious sticky spot on the dog's head and then I am reminded . . . childhood has much left to offer.
5 Tips For Busy Moms
Below are Five tips for Living Well from wellness expert, Marlise Karlin:
#1: Breathe Into the Moment: In the midst of a busy day, take a few moments to find stillness. Slow your pace, breathe deep, and refocus your attention away from the mind-chatter. Instead, reflect on what is most meaningful to you in life, and carry those inspirational thoughts with you throughout your day.
#2: Take Inspired Action: Being in constant reaction mode will leave you feeling exhausted & unfulfilled. After taking a moment of reflection and stillness, follow through with the necessary steps to achieve the goals you set forth for the day. If a disruption occurs, acknowledge it and look for a solution, rather than allowing it to derail you. Notice how your new focus helps you to stay on track with greater ease.
#3: Water Your Garden: Truly acknowledge the people in your life for the value they bring to you and the world. As with a garden, relationships need to be nurtured and appreciated. With even a sprinkling, the relationship will bloom – and the beauty of what is given will return to you tenfold.
#4 Be Aware of Your Attitude: Notice how you feel and how you radiate those feelings outward. If you have a positive attitude, people will not only gravitate to you, but it might even help change the attitude of others from negative to positive. If you are projecting love, generosity and hope, others may follow your lead. Realize how what you give comes back to you!
#5 Make Choices: Acknowledge that you have the ability to make choices that will keep you moving forward toward your overall vision, rather than letting other people, or life’s circumstances distract you from staying focused on what matters most. Choose what moves you toward your goals that give you the greatest rewards – inside and out.
“People are running at a hundred miles an hour, racing with the clock, trying to squeeze in ways to stay healthy and fit,” said Marlise Karlin. “It’s important to realize it only takes a few minutes a day to completely reboot ourselves by nurturing both mind & body to become more balanced and healthy.”
ABOUT MARLISE: Marlise Karlin is a person just like you and me who focuses on rebooting people by experiencing The Simplicity of Stillness. After a series of profound experiences shifted her perception of life, Marlise developed simple methods for people everywhere to reboot themselves so the journey of life can be more enjoyable. Countless people from every culture around the world have attended Marlise’s Programs and are attesting to the extraordinary benefits that her Stillness Sessions® have brought to their lives, from experiencing a sense of peace rarely felt, to finding balance and wellbeing, from releasing years of road blocks, to discovering what they really want out of life and how to create it. Marlise’s authentic personality allows her to connect with people at a real level to bring balance to their lives through The Simplicity of Stillness. See www.marlisekarlin.com
50 Great Places to take your Kids within 50 Miles
Briar Bush Nature Center
1212 Edge Hill Rd, Abington
Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association
1155 Easton Road, Horsham
Elmwood Park Zoo
1661 Harding Blvd, Norristown
Four Mills Nature Preserve
12 Morris Rd, Ambler
Freddy Hill Farms
1440 Sumneytown Pike, Lansdale
Glencairn Museum
1001 Cathedral Rd, Bryn Athyn
Graeme Park
859 County Line Rd, Horsham
Green Lane Park & Nature Center
Rte 63 & Rte 29, Green Lane
Hope Lodge & Mather Mill
553 South Bethlehem Pike, Fort Washington
Pennypack Farm
685 Mann Road, Horsham
Upper Moreland Free Public Library
109 Park Ave, Willow Grove
Valley Forge National Historical Park
1400 N Outer Line Dr, King of Prussia
Bucks County River Country
2 Walters Lane, Point Pleasant
Carousel Village at Indian Walk
591 Rte 413, Wrightstown
Central Park
425 Wells Road, Doylestown
Fonthill Museum
E. Court St & Rte 313, Doylestown
Giggleberry Fair Giggleberry Mountain, Discovery Land
Rte 202 & Rte 263, New Hope
Historic Fallsington
4 Yardley Ave, Fallsington
James A. Michener Art Museum
138 South Pine Street, Doylestown
Mercer Museum
84 S. Pine St, Doylestown
New Hope & Ivyland Railroad
32 W. Bridge St, New Hope
Peace Valley Park
230 Creek Rd, New Britain
Ralph Stover State Park
Stover Park Rd & State Park Rd, Pipersville
Sesame Place
100 Sesame Rd, Langhorne
Tyler State Park
101 Swamp Rd, Newtown
Washington Crossing Historic Park
1112 River Road, Washington's Crossing
American Helicopter Museum/Education Center
1220 American Blvd, West Chester
Brandywine River Museum
Rte 1 & 100, Chadds Ford
Springton Manor Farm
860 Springton Rd, Glenmoore
Brandywine Battlefield
1491 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford
Longwood Gardens
1001 Longwood Rd, Kennett Square
Tyler Arboretum
515 Painter Rd, Media
Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom
3830 Dorney Park Rd, Allentown
Crayola Factory
30 Centre Square, Easton
Academy of Natural Sciences
19th St & Ben Franklin Parkway
African American Museum in Philadelphia
701 Arch Street
Elfreth's Alley
126 Elfreth's Alley (on 2nd St between Race and Arch)
Fireman's Hall
147 N. 2nd St
Fort Mifflin
Fort Mifflin Rd & Hog Island Rd
Franklin Institute Science Museum and Fels Planetarium
222 North 20th St
Franklin Square
200 N 6th St
Independence Seaport Museum
Penn's Landing
Mummers Museum
1100 South 2nd St
National Museum of American Jewish History
55 N. 5th St
Philadelphia Zoo
3400 W. Girard Ave
Please Touch Museum
4231 Avenue of the Republic; Memorial Hall, Fairmount Park
Adventure Aquarium
1 Aquarium Dr, Camden
Battleship New Jersey
100 Clinton Street, Camden
Cowtown Rodeo
780 Route #40, Pilesgrove
Howell Living History Farm
70 Wooden's Ln, Lambertville

For more info please click here to visit the NBC 10 website.
- I chopped 10 inches off my hair. I'll get a picture soon.
- I got eyelash extensions. I know, sounds high-maintenance, BUT I got them so I wouldn't have to put make-up on all summer. The kiddos and I swim at least once day (usually 2-3) and I'm sick of looking like a wet dog when Shad comes home at night. So I chopped my hair, which air dries great and got the extensions. The first picture I have foils in my hair from highlighting it, but it's right before I got the extensions applied. The second picture is after I got extensions and a couple of hours after the kids and I went swimming. My face was soaking wet for a couple of hours and I have NO MAKE-UP on. I am loving it. We'll see how well they hold up.
- Tanner loves swimming. I don't know where his energy comes from. He can throw stuff in the deep end and swim down (5 ft) to get it. He continually jumps in the pool, swims to the side climbs out and does it all over again. Kate finally started wearing floaties yesterday and has inched away from her Dora playing area on the pool steps.
- I posted a pic of Kate wearing one of the skirts. I'd put more, but she's sort of in a phase where I hold her all the time. It's hard to take a picture while holding her. So my best bet was while she was eating.
- Tanner drew that entire picture on his chalkboard. He's really obsessed with the movie Swiss Family Robinson.

Member Appreciation Party
What a wet and wild time we had at our Member Appreciation Party this last weekend. We all had fun at Chaparosa Park enjoying the playground and splash pad. We enjoyed a pizza dinner, fruit snacks, and icees and a cake for dessert. Thank goodness the spray pad runs for 15 min then takes a break or I don't think we'd ever get the kids out of the water to eat. It was fun catching up with every ones family and enjoying the warm night.
Hanging Around!
The fire hose!
Weekend Wrap-Up
The simulator ride at Chuck E Cheese
Needless to say, my sister was pretty sore the next day. At one point she was lying on the couch and could hear the two younger kids bickering. Frustrated, she said, "God, I can't even get up and yell at my kids!" I drove to McDonald's and bought her some fries and a "real" Coke. Her stomach was iffy but she was hungry! I still haven't figured out what made me sick, but it seems to be related to some Moose Munch that I bought at Harry & David on Saturday night. Not only does typing the words "Moose Munch" bring back a wave of nausea, but even just seeing the transaction in Microsoft Money on my computer makes me physically ill.
Life is getting back to normal now. My niece made several attempts to "misplace" her headgear while she was at my house, so I'm convinced I'm going to find it behind my couch or something. She doesn't care that her braces cost more than a decent used car - she hates the headgear. I'm going to start saying "that sucks worse than headgear!" and see if it catches on.
Eagleview - Concerts on the Square
Barley Juice (Celtic Rock) with special guest Amy Lavere
Big Package (R&B / Funk) with special guest fusionhouse
Jim Boggia (Singer/Songwriter) with special guest Graham Brown
Cresson Street Vibration (Reggae) with special guest David Spencer
Family Night - Mama Mac with special guest Scott Silipigni(kid's music starts at 7:00pm)
Andrew Lipke (Singer/Songwriter) with special guest Papertrees
Christine Havrilla (Pop Singer / Songwriter) with special guest Liz Longley
Jim George (Rock) and Wink Keziah (Country Rock)
The Large Flowerheads (Groovy 60s Music) with special guest Jim Stanson
Works Progress Administration (Folk Rock) with special guest Adrien Reju
Entrain - Fireworks at 8:30
Healthy Kids Day!

When: Saturday, May 30, 2009, Noon to 5 p.m., rain or shine
Where: Mann Center for the Performing Arts
This celebratory event is free to the public, but tickets are required. Come and enjoy:
- Concert performance by The Laurie Berkner Band featuring Susie Lampert, Adam Bernstein and Laurie Berkner, with special guest Bob Golden
- Healthy food and drinks (while supplies last)
- Children’s activities
Admission to Healthy Kids Day is free of charge, but you must register for the event. Seat assignments for the concert, including lawn, will be distributed at the gate on a first come, first served basis. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
For information, please e-mail us at healthykidsday@email.chop.edu or call our hotline at 1-877-HKD-CHOP (1-877-453-2467).
Visit the Mann Center for the Performing Arts Web site for directions. Check our Timeline of Events and Sponsorship pages for more.
sewing projects

3rd Annual Cookie Service Project
Dear Yvonne and the entire MOMS Club of Chandler East,
Wow are your cookies a hit! One mom just said, “it is these little things that get you through the days here (her son has been here 107 days). I am just going to sit here and eat these and cry (she had some good news and was tearful).”
I also just toured a soon to be dad, who’s twins are being delivered this afternoon, who enjoyed the cookies too (he looked a bit guilty when I said they were for mother’s day) :)
Thank you all for remembering us again this year. You have touched many lives today. Cheryl
Cheryl Alexander RNC, BSN
Developmental Program Manager, NICU
Banner Children's Hospital
Saturday, May 16th from 12-4 pm
Inflatable Obstacle Course and Bungee Run