I clearlly had nothing to worry about regarding the debate about sizing. Thanks to all for your help however. My girls have gone from 18 month clothing straight to "tweens". Ok, not quite but after trying on the loot this morning (with the aide of daddy) we are returning everything but the dresses you see in the pictures! Abbey with her "JoLo" bum looked like she was busting at the seams with camel toe and in a diaper. Eeeewwww not the look we were going for. So, we are packing the car and heading twins in tow back to Kohl's to exchange it all for size 3T and possibly 4T... but I will be trying it all on while in store..
I loved the foto of Katie kissing the mirror. No vanity with that one.... She calls the watering jug her "tea-cup". Hmmmm that might get interesting when she goes to school...