I know I have told you how much it means to me that you are a part of our daughters lives but I want the world to know. No need to keep it a secret. These two little girls who are our still pinching myself daughters make me grin with their strong personalities, cute sense of humor and truly infectious giggles and energy. When you warned us before we brought the girls home that you would be coming for a visit (she lives in Florida) every three months whether we liked it or not, well we didn't believe it. However you have been true to your word. You make me want to pee myself with
Nana, Mai and I took the girls to the "pet-pet" zoo. Anyone who has heard the story knows that mommy really really enjoyed it. Maybe more than the girls. *wink* I'm thinking our next pet will be a goat!! Photos speak for themselves I think you will all agree. We finished up the day at Red Robin and boy did the girls love their chicken fingers and fries and more importantly mommies milkshake.... We look forward to Nana's next visit.