A lovely day.

We spent yesterday at The Museum of Nature with some dear friends from London: Kerri and her family.  Afterwards, we all came home to an Argentine BBQ.  The girls had lots of fun, and the adults did too!  I had such a good time that I forgot to take pictures.  Pookie was up to his usual antics.  And we wished we could make the day last longer.

Today our friends Carol and Andre are coming over.  When I told Carol we had tons of leftovers, she jumped at the chance.  I guess she thinks I am a good cook!  Pookie is at the groomers, he was overdue for a haircut (but it's been so cold we kept postponing it).

Life is good.  We are hoping to go visit our friends Kerri and Jeff in July, when we have some trips planned close by.  My Kerri is already counting the days.

Life with Kerri is blessed to have wonderful friends.