Soooo Martha!

So last night I was going through my video file with intentions of posting one or two of my first grandson. I wasn't able to find what I was looking for but I did stumble on something almost as good. You'll need a bit of back story for it so here it is.

Once upon a time, long, long ago, I made a movie for Martha. Martha Stewart. Her show was calling for submissions that would tell "why you are So Martha."  So for fun my kids and I made a video. It took days and days of filming and reshooting. In the end I had a good thirty minutes of video that then needed to be edited into three minutes maximum. The editing took me weeks. Long story short, the video resulted in a number of emails from a Martha producer and even a phone interview and request for another video (that one was a pottery demonstration with plans to teach Martha how to throw a pot on her show). The very end result was....nothing. Zip. Zilch. Several months of back and forth with the producer but then I didn't get the call. Oh well. Life goes on!

But I have to show you this segment of the video footage because it is so dang adorable! These cutie patooties just slay me every time I watch it. They were my audience while I was demonstrating ala Martha, how to truss a home-raised, home-butchered, brined turkey. I can't get over how compliant, obedient and eager to please these two adorable Valentinos were. Note that the director (Mommy) was instructing Sammy to "roll his eyes" while he said his line. I put them through take after take and they just kept smiling!

Where, oh where, did those two rascals go?