My girly-girl. Not.

Yesterday Kerri came home in a funk. Apparently, the boys would not let her play a "Pokemon" card game with them.

So I hugged her and told her she could do anything a boy could do, even if sometimes they saw her as a girl.

And that's when she said: "No Mom, it's not because I am a girl. It's because I don't know how to play yet. But I watched them and all they would do is slap a card down just like 'Go Fish'."

Talk about jumping to conclusions! After all, Kerri has played soccer, basketball, and even "Bakugan" competitions with the boys at school. She does not like hanging out with the girls, because she says that "all they like to do is talk about boys." So instead, she is the only girl that plays with all the boys. Her best friend is a boy. I should have known better.

So my girl is now getting some Pokemon cards.

Life with Kerri is learning something new every day.