Happy Valentine's Day.

Yesterday Kerri and I were filling up goody bags and she was busy writing out Valentine's Day cards for her class. She took her task very seriously, because she wanted to make sure she did not give any of the boys in her class the wrong impression. When I asked her why, she said it was because she did not have a crush on any of them, and did not want a boyfriend for now.

As I hid my smirk, she carefully picked out vellum quotes to put into each bag of candy. I was impressed at how she tried to match the right quote to each classmate. For example, there is a boy in her class who really likes her. But he gets angry when she does not reciprocate - and he has done some not so nice things: like stick his tongue out, or kick her snow castle apart. So in his bag she placed a quote that said: "The only way to have a friend is to be one", by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

This morning, she was really excited, and said: "I wonder how many Valentine cards I will get?"

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Life with Kerri is blessed with love.