Things always happen for a reason...and how YOU can help.

Yesterday Kerri and I went to the audiologist for testing. It has been a crappy week, since Kerri's asthma is out of control, no one is sleeping well at night, and Kerri has missed an entire week of school. And after the testing was done, we got some news that was difficult to digest. I was feeling pretty bad. And then I met one of the staff, who I will call "Susan" for privacy reasons.

Since the doctor knew Kerri's history, she asked me if I would talk to her employee Susan, who was going through a very difficult time with her 5 year old grandson, whom she got custody of two years ago. (She actually has custody of two siblings, but the girl is doing well in therapy). I will call the grandson "Bobby".

Bobby has been diagnosed with RAD (reactive attachment disorder), and it's a pretty severe case. Susan has lost hope, and is at her wits' end. We sat down in a testing room and had a very long chat. Apparently, there is little help for Bobby here unless Susan gets private therapy, something she cannot afford. She did not know where else to turn for help. She has exhausted all her resources here. She feels alone, and with no support from family and friends, who do not understand what she is going through, especially because Bobby is an angel when he is in public or with others. Boy could I relate.

And then I felt guilty, for feeling sorry for myself and Kerri. I realized that whenever G-d has given me a challenge in my life, he has always given me a reminder that there are others who have it worse. And then he gives me an opportunity to make a difference. And I took this challenge by the horns.

I cannot cure Bobby, or wave a magic wand and make it all go away. But in the hour that we chatted (while hubby and Kerri patiently waited in the lobby), something positive happened. At the end of our tearful chat, Kerri came in and I pointed to her and told Susan to not lose hope, because this is the end result: a happy, healthy child, which is what we want. And although we do not know what the outcome will be in Bobby's case, Susan told me she now had a little hope, something her own therapist could not give her. And the look on her face was worth way more than the hour we spent chatting. HOPE...such a small word, but such a big deal. Especially for Susan. And for Bobby.

Susan and I are now in touch via email, and I am sending her whatever information, resources, books, links I can find from our past experience with Kerri's therapy. So here is how you can help: if you have anything that you think will be helpful to Susan, please leave a message below. Any information about treating RAD, resources (especially online), Yahoo or Facebook groups, names of books, contacts, ANYTHING that you think can help is welcome. Susan is not asking for money, or handouts. She just needs information, because there is so little of it out there. And pray for Bobby.

Life with Kerri is asking for your help.