The Turkey Report

A few notes on our Thanksgiving Day...

The organic turkey was by far the best, most succulent, melt-in-your-mouth tender turkey I have ever prepared or eaten. It was even better then our own home-raised birds. It was well worth the higher price tag!

Bobby Flay's Pumpkin Bread Pudding was good but I'd be satisfied with a mug of the Creme Anglaise for dessert. The Spicy Apple Caramel Sauce is also delicious for coffee or hot rum drinks.

Our mountain man guest (back left) was an interesting guest. A Gulf War vet, he had lots of stories to tell, some of them plausible, some... not so much. Everyone was glad he came.

The mountain man's dog, Captain Tuddles (aka Cuddles) was a retired/rescued IED sniffer from Iraq. His owner says the army gave her a purple heart when she retired.

At the after-dinner Shoot-out at OK Corral, the little boys graduated to the Annie Oakley line-up. My babies are growing up. {{sniff}}

Despite my concerted efforts to have a game of Pinnochle, I was rejected for the hallowed and sacred tradition of Shanghai. Isn't thirty-five years of this game enough? Can I introduce you to 500 or Euchre?? Shanghai was more interesting back in the day when the card sharks of the family tried their best to Shanghai the rest of the table.

And finally, in the last move of the game, after three hours of play, Kris managed a real, true Shanghai. I think it was an accident.

Then the kids brought out the Quelf.
Quite possibly the most insanely ridiculous game ever. I mean trippy.

I got talked into this game once and figured out very quickly that I am just not uninhibited enough to play.

How was  your Thanksgiving?