A random act of kindness.

A few weeks ago I challenged my Facebook friends to perform a random act of kindness. I was happy to see so many respond, and inspired by their kind acts. We performed a few of our own, and it felt good to help someone out - even more so when it was unexpected, or for a stranger.

But yesterday the tables turned on us. A girl in the neighborhood wanted to get rid of some of her dolls she had outgrown. And another neighborhood girl thought of Kerri, and so the two came knocking on our door. To Kerri's surprise, they offered her a beautiful big Disney Ariel Mermaid doll. And the astonished and happy look on my daughter's face made the girls smile.

Kerri slept with that doll, took it to school, and played with it all day today. She showed it to everyone in the neighborhood. The girls got to see Kerri truly enjoying their gift, and Kerri is overjoyed with her new doll. She was so touched by their random act of kindness, she decided to do one on her own.

Kerri's teacher has a treasure box of gently used small toys that the class gets to pick from once in a while when they are being recognized for something. Kerri has already brought home several little toys from this treasure box. Kerri decided to go through her playroom, and pick out little toys she no longer plays with, to donate to the classroom treasure box. And today, she did just that. She proudly handed over her bag of toys to her teacher.

And so the circle continues...what comes around, goes around. And sometimes a small, random act of kindness can make someone's day....or in Kerri's case, her entire week.

Life with Kerri inspires kindness.