Yesterday you were blessed by your Daddy at church. He held you in his arms with the support of his good friends and gave you a name and a blessing. He blessed you with a pure heart. That you would be close to your Heavenly father, family and me. He blessed you that you would be a happy child and a good example to your brother and sister. For you to be healthy and enjoy the beautiful world around you. That you would be able to see through the fog and carelessness of the world. He told you how much your Heavenly Father loves you and that you are a chosen daughter of His. He counseled you to set your goals high. To get an education and be married in the temple. To be close to your Heavenly father and develop a testimony. A testimony of Christ and that He loves you. That someday you will return to live with Him. He blessed you to be happy and told you how much we love and support you. And to come to us with your problems and let us help you.
I'm so grateful that your Daddy holds the Priesthood. That he's lived his life in a way that allows him to use the Priesthood to bless our family. I want you to know that I know the gospel is true. I know the Christ knows and loves each one of us. He knows you. He knows your loves, your dislikes, your passions, your trials, your sins, your hopes and joys. He knows everything about us and wants us to be close to Him. He loves me. He loves you. He wants nothing more, than for us to return to live with Him someday. I am so grateful that your Dad and I got married in the temple and are sealed to each other, you, Tanner and Kate. I am so grateful that you are a part of our family and we get to enjoy your sweet spirit every day. I love you Elle.