It's finally the time of year when there are reasons to take the camera into the garden.

Seemingly overnight the ground reawakened and the colors of spring appeared.

I walk around checking on the progress of old favorites and new acquisitions. I have a number of peonies that I planted over the last few years that haven't produced flowers yet. I am anxiously checking them for the appearance of buds.

My shade garden is finally looking more filled in. I always remember the saying that applies to new plantings of perennials- the first year they
sleep, the second year they
creep, the third year they

There aren't many flowers that are truly blue in color. Pulmonaria is not only blue but pink and purple on the same plant too.

I love the fragrance of hyacinths but haven't been very successful in growing them. I have a number that are quite spindly. This one is in Grandma's Garden, an area where I planted the contents of the bulb planters we were given at Grandma's funeral a few years ago. I can't bring myself to clip these and bring them inside though I would enjoy their fragrance in the house.

It's hard to pick a favorite spring flower but I've been nurturing this helebores for about three years now and it finally has more than two or three flowers. It is known as a Lenten Rose because it blooms so early, even the end of winter, around the holy season of Lent and the flowers last a long time.
I've come to know the cycles in my garden and the oh-too-quick succession of flowers. Lilacs are next! Always in time for Mother's Day here.
What's blooming in your garden?