It was only a matter of time before my girls joined their idols up north. BUT, I was not prepared for the carnage I was to encounter yesterday morning. Denial that it would happen to us. My perfect girls. Bwahahaha. Katie had obviously been studying her get-away for days like a true caged criminal as I later would discover pictures Mai had been taking of the escape artist caught red-handed in the act with leg thrown over the rail trying to bust loose. Anyway, it was your classic "jail-break". She hoisted herself over
I could here her talking away to daddy as I was getting ready for work. Well, I thought she was talking to daddy. She kept squealing "hi daddy, hi daddy, hi daddy". Funny now when I think about it I didn't hear daddy saying anything. Should have been a lights on for this bright girl...This is the conversation between Jeff and I while I was getting ready for work.
Jeff: "Have you been in the girls room"?
Me: "No".
Jeff: "You haven't been in their room this morning"?
Me: "No".
Jeff: "You haven't been in there this morning"?
Me: as I look at daddy and say a little firmer "No, I haven't why"?
Jeff: "Come with me then, you've got to see something".
As we push open the door to the girls room and see Katie standing in the middle of a total mess. Much to our surprise it had be
Abbey stood in her crib with the baby wipe container on her head- yeah par-tay girl like her momma and jumped and giggled as if to be saying good job Katie. Great, that's all she needs. More encouragement..... Now, crazylady what do we do?! We have one monkey who has figured out how to get out of the bed (she stays in the bed when we put her to bed at night) and one (which is my wild child) who has