Ugh. A rant.

A famous hockey team is coming to Kerri's school.  We really don't even know why or what they intend to do.  We did not have much notice (just found out this afternoon when she came home!), because the school called (automated message just telling us to return the release form) and sent home a media release form that is two pages long.  It is ridiculous, and is asking us to waive all rights, even after our deaths, so they and all companies associated with them can use anything they tape, photograph, or record with Kerri in any advertising or any future purposes whatsoever and we have no say in what they choose to do with it all. 

Ugh.  We cannot believe what they are asking us to sign.  Hubby refused.  Kerri cried.  Hubby then tried to explain to Kerri what the waiver form meant, and how it could haunt her in the future.  And then Kerri actually agreed with him.

So to our displeasure, and with not much time to prepare our 8 year old child (who will most likely be left out because she cannot appear on TV, video, or in photographs since we did not consent), Kerri has to face her peers and explain why she is not going to participate in whatever this hockey team has planned.  And why we did not have time to buy her the team's jersey that they asked the entire school to wear, or their colors (which we unfortunately did not have in her closet).  Because instead of going out shopping last night, Kerri was at her Brownies' Halloween costume party, which was way more important.

Considering this famous team is locked out, (why do athletes think they deserve millions?  They are not saving the world, leading a country, curing the sick, doing something heroic, or teaching our young for crying out loud!) maybe they should be spending their obvious free time doing some charity work instead of interrupting my kid's education and making my kid feel left out because we won't allow them to use her for their propaganda.  Or maybe they should be looking for a real job.

Life with Kerri is not impressed.