Back to school.

Yesterday was Kerri's first day back to school. I wanted to do something special, so I created a pirate treasure map and hid a small pirate bag full of plastic "jewels" under her pillow. When she got home, she was thrilled to follow her map and really excited to find her treasure. She showed it to all the neighborhood kids, proudly exclaiming: "I have booty!"

Kerri told me her teacher is out sick and will most likely be out until Thursday. I know how she feels. I have been sick over a week with this horrible cold/flu thing. And Kerri also told me kids went to school wearing shorts! It is in the 40's in the morning, so there is no way I am putting shorts on Kerri. But by the time she comes home, it is well into the 70's. It feels like summer!

After school, we took Kerri bike riding, and then we sat outside my front door with all the neighborhood moms while the kids played together. I even handed out Popsicles. We could not get over the weather, and how much we missed our daily summer get-togethers by my front door. Even the dads joined us! We talked about planning some summer activities: like a neighborhood BBQ, etc. I am going to see if we can get a projector and would be awesome to have neighborhood movie nights outdoors! And I think I might need to invest in some real outdoor lawn furniture.

Let's hope the weather holds and I can finally take my snow tires off the Mama Mobile.

Life with Kerri thinks anything is possible!