Strep throat.

Kerri is sick. Usually that does not faze her or us, but this time she really was not herself. So much so, that even her doctor was surprised. She literally fell asleep on the examining table, and was running a very high fever. So she is on meds, and out of school for a few days. And that meant that Halloween celebrations were very limited for her.

She still got to sit down the hall and watch the kids come to the door, and loved talking about the costumes. But she was so very disappointed she did not get to hand out candy this year. I would not let her, since I was afraid she could make another child sick.

We did bake chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies. And watched "Aladdin" again. And Nana came over last night. So today the girls are getting makeovers, and drawing, and spending quiet quality time together. And Kerri is feeling much better now that the antibiotics are kicking in.

Life with Kerri is under the weather today.