first grade....i'm still not ready

and he's sitting in his first grade classroom, right now.

why do they have to be gone for so long everyday?

i already miss his little voice in the background.

summer went by way. too. fast. i wish we could have summer all over again.

i held up strong, and acted super excited for him to go to school (i think i did a good job faking it), we met his teacher, Mrs. Root....apparently the "one" to get (so i hear from the other moms...obviously i'm still new at this), and walked to the play ground. it was too hot. much too hot. it's supposed to get to 112 degrees today. he got hot and sweaty, didn't see his friends from last year, started crying, wouldn't let go of me and said he wanted to go home.

i did everything i could think of to get him to stay. i reminded him of how much he loved kindergarten and how he hated missing school last year. i reminded him of the parties, the monkey bars, the art projects and his friends. i bribed him with no-bake cookies when he got home after school. he wouldn't bite. i'd finally given up and thought i'd have to leave him bawling at the door to his classroom, when i remembered he's had his eye on the new Batcave (a fisherprice toy that he looks up on Amazon every day to stare at....he's been saving his chore money). i whispered in his ear, "come everyday to school this week, and on friday, we'll go buy the batcave". done. as fast as he could he went to his seat, and as fast as i could, i walked out the door.

maybe i shouldn't have bribed him. i'm sure she wouldn't have agreed.

but i don't care.