Earth Hour revelations.

Last night we lit some candles and spent Earth Hour together. Kerri decided she wants to celebrate it once a week. And when she grows up she wants to open up an animal and Earth help club.

During Earth Hour, Kerri asked for a piece of paper, and busied herself writing a note. This is what is says:

"My name is Kerri
I like to slide
I'm six and a haf
I wus abandid in a trane stachin (station)
I am Chineese
I wus from Shinue (China)
I like to take riscs
I go to caliks school eevin no I'm not caslik (Catholic)
I donte cared wut enebutting say abow my life
All thet mators is that my family luves me
Sum peeple think teddy beres are for babys
In my hart my family wil awese (always) luve me forever
I luve evereebutee
Evree persin shood have a good hart
sinde (signed) Kerri XOX Mom"

During our darkest hour, Kerri lit up the room with her light.

Life with Kerri makes me proud.