"I am insane!"

Today Kerri woke up with a cold. You would think that would slow her down. You would be wrong. Kerri was up bright and early!

She spent the entire day playing with her Nana, and talking non stop. She even told me: "I am insane!" We never argued with her. At one point, her Daddy tried to be serious and reprimand her, but she got the giggles and he could not keep a straight face. Even Pookie could not keep up with her, although he tried his best to put her in her place. Which apparently was jumping on the couch, while blowing her nose.

And sometimes I think Nana comes over for birth control. Because a day with Kerri is enough to make her want to wait a long time to have kids.

Even though sometimes I crave peace and quiet, and end the day with a headache, I would not change a thing. That little girl just keeps us going. Even when Daddy comes home grumpy from a tough day at work, she finds a way to make us all smile and laugh.

Life with Kerri is the best kind of insanity.