First Snow

Tuesday morning we woke up to this:
This year our first snow came later then last year. Last year we got surprised on October 13 (and I have a blog to document it.) The sight of the first snow generated the typical reaction: the kids went crazy and declared school canceled (ha! They seem to forget that homeschool rarely gets canceled), they dragged out all their winter gear and asked for hot chocolate. My mother called. My neighbor called. The adults all agreed that this first snow would be like most of the others and melt away in an hour or two. After all, the weather forecast hadn't even predicted it.

It didn't melt away in an hour or two.
It just kept coming. All day. 
Wasn't it just last week we were in the high 60's and I was transplanting rose bushes?

And today, it's still here.
That's Oregon in the mountains for you.