Friday updates.

Yesterday was my 45th birthday. I was so humbled by all the birthday wishes I received, and so very grateful to have so many wonderful friends. But the best part of my day was that, after all I have been through in my life, I am still here, and healthy enough to have spent it with the people I love.

Our morning started with a first - Kerri woke up before anyone at around 6:30 AM, and dressed herself, and then went downstairs all alone. She sat at the table, claiming she was "reading" a Harry Potter book. Grandpa came down the stairs surprised to find her there at 7 AM. And my little girl - who could never be by herself for more than a second - is now unafraid and independent. I cannot begin to explain what a HUGE accomplishment this is for her. It was the best birthday gift - EBER.

Kerri had a great day at school, and after school we met with her teacher and the therapy coordinator to discuss her upcoming speech therapy, and evaluation for occupational therapy. I was dismayed to find out that last year's teacher prevented Kerri from obtaining an evaluation. But the coordinator witnessed Kerri "tuning out" in her office. And although she attributed it to Kerri being "gifted" and extremely intelligent (something she has not been tested for), I rattled out several other examples of her sensory processing behaviours. The coordinator agreed to have Kerri's new teacher observe Kerri in class and possibly have her evaluated this year. And her speech therapy should start up soon too.

Then we spent two hours playing outside with the neighborhood kids, and Kerri ran around, happy and rosy cheeked. It filled my heart to see her so active, when just a year ago she was struggling to breathe and was constantly sick. Her asthma and her psoriasis are under control, and she has grown and is healthy. What better birthday gift could I ever ask for?

Later, we headed out to Kung Fu. Her school feels like family, and Kerri loves going early to play with her Sifu's children. Kerri is doing so well, and is working hard to focus and concentrate. At the end of her class, Sifu lets the kids run around and play again for ten minutes. And Kerri then surprised me by doing push ups with Sifu's daughter sitting on her back.

We rushed home to change, and then headed out to my favorite Sushi restaurant. And we closed the place down! Kerri fell asleep in her chair by 9:30. At ten, we headed home full and happy. And Daddy struggled to carry a now over 50 pound Kerri with very long legs into the house and up the stairs to her room.

We ended the night chatting with Dad, and enjoying some gourmet hand made white chocolates that hubby surprised me with. And we were so full we could not go to bed until midnight - another first!

This morning, Kerri opened a birthday gift from one of hubby's coworkers. She received a beautiful Chinese outfit to wear for the Autumn Moon Festival next week. And she also received a replica of the Great Wall of China. Kerri was thrilled with her gifts, and is sending her friend Mooncakes with a thank you note. I am so happy she has Chinese friends and mentors in her life.

Tomorrow we head out to Montreal to celebrate Grandpa's 70th birthday with our family. We are looking forward to it!

Life with Kerri is a celebration.