The hooks are still crooked and I haven't finished (well....maybe I should say started) Tanner and my aprons yet, but I still like the idea. It's in my kitchen right beside where we bake.
I have been looking forward to hanging these lanterns up for 6 weeks and finally yesterday it happened. I obviously still have several dining chairs to put together and things to put on the walls, but it's slowly happening.
If you can't read the little sign, it says, "And they lived happily ever after". Totally cheesy... and I totally love it.
These little birds and leaves are clips to hang the kids artwork and pictures on. The chalkboards are magnetic too. The kids love them.
So I'm getting there. Here are a couple of pics of the kids playing with a toy train that Grandma got them at Disneyland. They LOVE it. It makes the same exact noises as the train at Disneyland and blows smoke when it goes around the track.
Tanner is so boy. The other morning I went into his room to find snot smeared across the wall right next to his bed. Gross. Then later in the day we were building a sandbox together and he "stepped out" to make a few calls (pretend of course). I asked him who he was talking to, and he said "my friends". I started naming some of them and he said no to all of the boys, but yes to all of the girls. Finally he said, "I'm talking to all the girls."
Today we went to Shad's office and Shad's assistant Sarah gave Tanner some candy. On our way back to the car, Tanner asked, "Why she give me candy?" I said, "She likes you." He paused for a few minutes and then said, "She loves me."
On a really sweet note, today I was picking out a few church dresses for Kate and I held them up to ask her if she liked them. She said, "No, don't like it." (She never likes any of the clothes I pick out. She prefers to wear Tanner's clothes.) Anyhow, Tanner leaned over to her and said, "But Kate, they're really beautiful. Don't you like them?" It was so sweet.