No, not quite, but Barrack thought it was a Woodstock concert with the huge turnout! Funny how the cute hot chicks from my office thought he was refrencing Woodstock, Virginia. Yeah, they're young ...... ha ha. He made a last minute decision stop in my town before heading to Hawii last week to see his ailing grandmother. LARGEST POLITICAL RALLY the county has ever had! Being that he personally invited me, I was not going to disappoint him. I would not, could not miss the opportunity to see history in the making. Little did I know that my "girls" from work would escort me. Over 35,000 people stood in line for hours to see him. As I peered at the sea of people I felt a certain pride. It was not only a peaceful rally but also one rich with cultural diversity. Literally people from every nationality and walk of life represented. It made me proud. This was not about ones skin tone. This was about the next leader of our country. I couldn't contain the tears when our govenor announced Barack to the cheering crowd. Neither could anyone else.....