Linvilla Orchards Pumpkin Land

September 6th through November 9th

An annual trip to Linvilla Orchard's Pumpkinland is a family tradition. During the months of September and October, Pumpkinland takes center stage at Linvilla Orchards in Media. Larger than life figures and scarecrows illustrate the legends and lore of the harvest season, local history and some of the many stories of pumpkins and apples.See piles of pumpkins in all shapes and sizes, over 100 tons on display! Find a huge selection of straw bales, corn shocks, fall decorations of all kinds, masks, costumes and toys. Don’t get lost in the straw bale or cornfield maze!Live music, live entertainment, hayrides, train rides, pony rides, face painting, straw bale and cornfield mazes, pick-your-own apples, candy and caramel apples, Costume Parade, Jack-o-lantern exhibit, the Linvilla Grill, Costume & Halloween Shops. Fun, fun, fun!