For those who missed out on the much anticipated holiday card/letter from "insanemommy"here are some of the cast of character's in our real life drama.
Don't leave Uncle Dex. We love you.
Ahhh, Uncle Rock spoiling the grimlins....
"Miss World Diaper Genie"
As 2007 closes, the lastbottle glass of champagne is guzzled sipped, cookies devoured and 10+ extra pounds languishing on my body like a well fit wet suit, I feel born again. Alive. Yes, true I am filled with an excitement of what 2008 will bring but if the grand finale (easy does it...hold on I'll get there....) of 2007 is any hint of what's to come, it's going to be a good no great year! This was a magical year for our girls. They drank it up like little drunks begging for more. And to really confuse(have you ever heard a jew explain the meaning of Christmas--something about magic and "the chosen me...) them we celebrated ALL the holidays. Well, except Kwanza and quite frankly the anticipation of lifting yet another glass for one more toast, well I was toast. But, man, oh man where did the year go?! As I muse about what I was doing two years ago I had no idea! "Life is like a box of chocolates, you just never know what you're going to get". Nothing in the world could have prepared me for the love that consumes me every single day for the "little people". Damn, it is so good. You'll see. And they're so cute. Really, really cute.
Since rolling into D.C. six years ago we have
P.S. And in the event I haven't told you lately, I heart you all. When I started this blogging business last March I had no idea the friendships that would blossom from this space. I was in need of an outlet to escape. To vent. To reach out to other's who were just like me. This has become far more than that. Some of you I have had the pleasure of knowing close and personal and some through "cyber" world. At any rate you're all so real to me and I'm glad you're all in my life. I know she has her cast of characters, but I've always though of my life as a real life drama to this sequel. RW and I are Will and Grace. Aren't we baby?! And some days I'm Karen too. OK, so now you know it. I've got a split personality......
Happy New Year to you all may 2008 be your year!