Let me just start by saying I was wearing my new (that's right) underpants and I felt warm all under(you thought I was going to say something else!) today. I will let you in on a secret it's been a while(long while and no longer a secret) since I've bought some of the finer underneath garments. Rarely wear them, however at my age everything is going south if you get my meaning so we all need a little support. You may have already noticed I haven't had the ass lifted yet. Anyway, I decided yesterday that I was sick of my underpants touching my bra and worse rolling down under what I refer to now as my stomach when I sit down. So, I went nuts in the lingerie department at Kohl's. Oh, Shut-up! Victoria Secret's doesn't make them for us full figured girls. So, you might say I was excited about today. I got to wear my new panties. No rolling, and no lines......
I had twisted dh's bribed him with
We crawled out of bed and into the shower before the roosters! Well, it sure as hell felt like it anyway. I couldn
Anyway, girls were fed, dressed and loaded in the family machine along with all the necessities required when traveling with the little monsters by 9:00am. (tons of diapers, wet wipes, bag of animal crackers, dried mangoes, bottle of wine for mommy, camera, water, sippy cups, aspirin,--for mommy -- phones, more aspirin for mommy and their favorite stuffed animals Remmy and Emile). Me included. Dh was the Gestapo on a good day he knew we needed to depart D.C. long before the evening festivities took plac
We cruised into D.C. in record time. (40 minutes) Traffic was amazingly light. That won't be the case later this afternoon. Pity the fools that do brave it. Especially with the down pour that's expected. Anyway, we had a
The food at the zoo is, well.... gross and very expensive. We ate at a sub, pizza place and needless t
Of course the day would not be complete without some rude or inappropriate conversation. We had the pleasure of meeting another family who had adopted from China at the petting farm. Everything was going swimmingly and then the daddy throws in "well, we asked for twins too but man are we glad we didn't get them, cuz we are able to give her so much attention". Dh and I look at one another and both nod like "yeah, we give our girls no attention". We wished him luck with his upcoming second adoption and excuse ourselves. We both commented in the car what a strange comment it was. I must have a beacon on my head that flashes and says "please, please say something, anything rude to me I can take it"! Shzz!
Daddy is napping and I'm all