Reality has set in. My girls are not babies anymore! Went from 18 months to size 3T overnight. Abbey is wearing 4T's in most things and soon to be in "tweenie" wear. Wow. How did this happen? (sorry Kristi most of the goods shipped don't fit) I had returned everything I had purchased last week and exchanged for 3T's thinking this should fit. Funny thing after I dressed girls yesterday morning daddy comes in and ask why Abbey's shirt looks like it is painted on her? I thought it was a little form fitting, I like to merchandise my goods-as you all know.... but didn't really give it much thought. Must have forgotten she's just a baby and that's not how they're wearing their clothes--yet. Yeah, after looking at her a little closer she looked like she was packed in tighter than a sardine can. So, daddy returns with half the goods to exchange once again! ha ha.
These are the pictures I had taken while standing in line to exchange the first go around. Dig my girls "do-rags"! Love the picture of Katie throwing her leg over the stroller as to say "push, wench" and Abbey who seems to say "did you say McDonald's mommy"? Hush Sen. They've only eaten the stuff twice in their little life....