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In The News
Beyond the magazine articles, books filled with advice and Dr. Phil episodes featuring ways to create a better family environment, new moms of Chester County will now have another resource. ChesterCountyMoms.com is a new blog site, featuring a Chester County community calendar, coupons and deals, events, nutrition, heath and safety tips, places to visit and reviews. The Web site aims to be a "one-stop mommy resource," said Sarah Freymoyer of East Caln, the principal writer for the new regional blog.After looking at different calendars from several playgroups and then looking at Chester County calendars as well, Freymoyer said she decided to make things easier for local moms by putting everything together on one Web site."Five minutes of looking at our site will get you more information than if you spent five hours surfing the Web on your own," Freymoyer said. "Plus, a lot of moms don't have time to look through a lot of kid-related publications, but with our blog it takes just a few minutes to see what's going on in Chester County."A stay-at-home mother of two, Freymoyer explained that she began blogging last August after her now-11-month-old son, Jude, was born."I wanted to let my family and friends know what was going on and show them pictures and a blog was much easier than sending e-mails with attachments," Freymoyer said. Since then, Freymoyer began to blog more frequently, finding the blogging to be a form of "cheap therapeutic therapy."So when she saw the curiosity of mothers in the Chester County Playgroup in learning to blog, Freymoyer decided to start holding small classes to teach these women the basics of blogging."They read my blog, which at first was just me venting, remembering who I was and why I liked myself, and they were like, 'Wow, I wanna do this'" Freymoyer said. Soon after, Freymoyer's small classes took off as she taught users how to get started, what and what not to talk about, and tips and tricks to make the blogging experience better.Jenn Hornickle of West Goshen, a blogger for Chester County Moms and a stay-at-home mother of two, said taking Freymoyer's classes has showed her how blogging can be a stress reliever."It's not just talking pre-school language but bringing the mommy aspect to life," Hornickle said. Hornickle, who has only been blogging since mid-June, has since become very enthusiastic about keeping up with her personal blog and contributing to the Chester County Moms blog, saying she sometimes "blogs five times a day" and is becoming HTML proficient. Margie Gunn of West Whiteland, the third blogger for Chester County Moms and a stay-at-home mother of two, is also an avid blogger in addition to being the manager of the Chester County Moxie Moms and owning a small, "home-based craft company" called Chesapeake Ribbons that offers hair accessories and belts."I had a friend tell me one time that she read my blog when she was feeling down and then read another blog until she felt better," Gunn said. "For all moms it's nice to know that you're not the only one having problems or frustrations."With all three mothers knowing each other and having a good knowledge of what Chester County has to offer, the site is a combination of information on many topics, including reviews of products and places.Hornickle said blogging is even changing the world of advertising, with bloggers reviewing products and either helping to sell or deterring buyers from purchasing specific products."I don't trust the big companies anymore," Hornickle said. "But I can trust real moms who are saying these things (about products). It's a local voice and even if you don't know them, you start to see them as a person."Though still very new to the Web world, the Chester County Moms blog has already gained the support of many local mothers and families, as well as national sponsors ClassyMommy.com, started by Freymoyer's friend Colleen Padilla, and Cookie Magazine, of which Freymoyer will be soon be a contributor. Freymoyer said these sponsors, as well as the word of mouth, have helped them to publicize the site even before its official launch. The blog site, hosted by Blogger, a blogging system run through Google, has received more than 1,000 unique hits since its unofficial launch.Freymoyer believes Chester County Moms is different than other sites out there because it not only brings everything together on one site, but it stays local."We want to stay regional because it's where we are," Freymoyer said. "We all have small kids and we know Chester County."The site, which will celebrate its official launch at a party on Aug. 7 at Plain Jane Boutique in West Chester during the Swingin' Thursday community night, is hoping to get even more publicity simply by "word of mom." The launch will feature giveaways, swag bags filled with goodies donated by local businesses, a visit by Fox 29's Jennaphr Frederick and information about the site being given out. "I am incredibly passionate about the site," Freymoyer said. "We just want it to be user friendly and community friendly."More information is available at chestercountymoms.com.
Hot Deals

L'il Darlins... creators of the innovative Bib- A-Roo have exclusively offered Chester County Moms blog readers a 15% discount on all of their products!
Enter CCMOM15 on their website when ordering. Happy Shopping!
Chrissie Raysor from C. Raysor Photography (http://www.craysor.com) got in touch with us to let us know that she is offering a special sale just for the readers of the Chester County Mom's blog! Contact her before Sept 15, 2008 to book a session, mention the Chester County Moms site, and you'll get half off the session fee AND a $25 print credit to use with your order! Your session doesn't have to happen by Sept 15, you just have to contact her by then! Email her at info@craysor.com to schedule a photo shoot!"
The Diaper Bag Wrangler has a S u P E r C r A z y SALE going on this week. Huge savings on select Wipes Cases, Organizers, Burp Cloths, Changing Pads and nothing on the clearance rack is over $5.00 - That means you can save up to 75%!!! Tell your friends...who doesn't love a bargain?! Click here to go directly to the sale items
I am a HUGE Diaper Bag Wrangler fan. Check out the Toddler Apron & Potholder Set...It is my favorite toddler gift to give. Throw in a box of brownie, cake & pancake mix and you have the PERFECT Mommy-Daughter memory baking gift! The kids love getting to help mommy in the kitchen all dressed up in their totally cool apron.
Unfortunatly the Toddler Apron & Potholder Set isn't on sale this week but I was able to dig up a PROMO CODE: Use CCMAMA for 10% off Toddler Apron & Potholder Purchases
Click here to order your RISK - FREE trial issue of Cookie and receive a FREE tote bag.
Contests & Give Aways

So...you have done the family vacation to the shore.. Submit your "Shore Shot" photos to NBC 10 and enter to win a free gas card and a two night stay in an Atlantic City hotel and go on a "Mom-cation".
NBC 10 is looking for the most creative and clearest photos, so send in your best! One winner will be chosen each week.
Click here to see the official contest rules and submit your "Shore Shot" photo.
The winner gets to choose which color and size they desire!
To enter this fab giveaway, visit Chesapeake Ribbons' website , have a look around, then post a comment over at Gunning It, with your favorite product from Chesapeake Ribbons.
Giveaway ends on Wednesday, September 10th (10 pm ET). Goodluck!
Our Friends
Eagle Chiropractic - Dr. Gottlieb
Sun & Earth
Calista Grand Salon & Spa
Diane Catrambone Personal Training
David Dodge
Dragon Gym
My Gym Lionville
Embroid Me
Youth Sports of Chester County
Moxie Moms
Canine Creature Comforts
Chesapeake Ribbons
The Daily Local
West Chester Historical Society
Darling Droolers
Cookie Magazine
Bounce U
All Star Baseball Academy
Giggy Bites
Tales & Toys
Lina Bean
Maggie Moos
Leon Benari Jewelers
Sweet & Sassy
Avante Salon & Spa
Classy Mommy
Blog Design by Shauna
Chrissy Raysor Photography
The Diaper Bag Wrangler
Caiti Mac Creations
Urbine Realty
Lil Darlins
Pee Dee Bee Handbag Studio
NBC 10
NBC 10 All That & More - Consumer News
Wendell August Forge
Knowledge Points
All Star Nissan
About Us
Sarah is a long time resident of Chester County, mother of two and a self proclaimed "blog-a-holic". After a long career in sales & finance management, Sarah "retired" from the business world to stay at home with her children and started blogging in 2007 after the birth of her second child as a way to stay connected to family and friends spread out throughout the United States. Merging her new life of "Mommyhood" with her sales expertise, in the summer of 2008, Sarah launched Chester County Moms (chestercountymoms.com), a regional "Mommy Blog" for women living in Chester County where moms can find information on local events, activities, products and fun places to go with their kiddos. In October 2008, Sarah and the Chesco Mommy Bloggers participated in the GM Ride & Drive to the Blog Her Reach Out Tour in Boston. In May of 2009, Sarah appeared alongside her friend and fellow Chesco Mommy Blogger, Shannon, on a local ABC segment on the influence of Mommy Bloggers. In June 2009, Sarah and Shannon, launched Montco Moms (montcomoms.com), a regional blog for moms in Montgomery County. Sarah is a Social Media Consultant, Cookie Magazine "Queen Bee" blogger, Regular contributor to The Savvy Grouse, member of The Philly Mommy Bloggers and the Organizer of The Chester County Mommy Bloggers. When not blogging, Sarah enjoys crafting, traveling, shopping, surfing the ‘net and spending time with her husband, children and their dog Duke. Sarah is an assistant organizer of The Chester County Playgroup, The Chester County Moms Night Out Group and The Greater Philadelphia Boston Terrier Club.

Shannon, is a Chester County mom of 2 beautiful girls. She came to the area as an undergrad at West Chester County University. The blogging bug bit Shannon in early 2008 and she has been posting away ever since. Shannon is a member of both The Chester County Mommy Bloggers and The Philly Mommy Bloggers. When not blogging Shannon loves to spend time with her husband and daughters camping, hiking and enjoying the fresh air. Shannon is deeply passionate about going green, organic eating and the environment. She feels going green is something that can be done by everyone in small steps through education and dedication. She hopes to share tips on very easy ways to make more environmentally friendly choices in your own life without breaking the bank. Click here to be directed to Shannon's personal blog.
Nicole, is a Chester County Mom of two children – one girl and one boy. She met her husband while attending college in Wisconsin and is now a former preschool teacher turned stay at home mom. After growing up and living in Wisconsin for many years, her husband’s job moved them out to the Philadelphia area in late 2007. She started blogging in early 2008 as a means to share her life with family and friends all over the country, but that soon grew into an obsession for all things HTML! Nicole is a member of The Philly Mommy Bloggers, The Chester County Mommy Bloggers, as well as a contributing writer for the Busy Mom blog. If she’s not at her computer, you can find her in the kitchen cooking up some delicious dishes with her kids! She loves all things crafty and is desperately begging for a craft room to lock herself into! Nicole is excited about the opportunity of being the “resident foodie” on the Chester County Moms blog and is anxious to bring other Chester County Moms info about delicious family friendly meals, local food and community activities and great household and kitchen tips for busy moms!
Kelly is a Chester County mother of 2. She grew up in West Chester, but left to attend college in the Happy Valley (Go Penn State!) and returned with a teaching degree and married her high school sweetheart. Kelly started blogging as a way for her family and friends to stay up to date with her young family. She is both a member of The Philly Mommy Bloggers and Chester County Mommy Bloggers. Kelly is an avid reader and loves a fun night out with her book club and hopes to introduce fellow Chester County Moms to some great reads not only for themselves but for their children too.
Jenn is a Chester County mom of two that grew up in Southern Chester County and attended Drexel University. Jenn started blogging in 2008 and is a member of both The Philly Mommy Bloggers and The Chester County Mommy Bloggers. When not learning to master HTML and posting the best local reviews and events, Jenn can be found playing in her beautiful backyard with her husband, children and two dogs. Jenn is an assistant organizer for the Chester County Moms Night Out Group.
Contributing Bloggers:
Devon posts regularly on her blog, http://www.mamacheaps.com/. When she is not blogging or designing personalized candy wrappers for her store, Winterwood Press, she is spending time with her husband and her 9 month old daughter.
Caitlyn, is an on-location natural light photographer. She specializes in "capturing the art of daily living". She will be contributing a Photography 101 post weekly. In addition to being an amazing photographer, Caitlin is a new mom to adorable daughter, Ava and a special eduaction teacher in Bucks County. Learn more about Caitlin and view her work at http://www.caitlindomanico.com/.
K.C. is a "household coordinator", designer and breast cancer survivor. Originally from St. Louis, she moved to the Philadelphia area in 2000 after graduating from the University of Kansas School of Fine Arts with a BFA in Design. When her daughter was born in 2006, she started a small indie-craft business called The Diaper Bag Wrangler- which is a line of handmade accessories for practical mommies. When she's not sewing, crafting, or managing her family- she enjoys traveling and being with her friends. At just 30 years old, she was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer and with the love and support of her husband, daughter, friends and family has kept an extremely positive attitude throughout her treatment. She will be contributing craft projects to the Chester County Moms Blog on a bi-weekly basis.
Advertising - sarah@chestercountymoms.com
Events - events@chestercountymoms.com
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Chester County Moms.com In the News
- August 2008 - Featured in Daily Local News article “Moms in Cyberspace”
- October 2008 - Participated in the GM Ride & Drive to the Blog Her Reach Out Tour in Boston.
- May 2009 - Featured on 6ABC segment about influence and popularity of "Mommy Bloggers"
- June 2009 - Welcome Sister-site Montco Moms to the Blogosphere.
- June 2, 2009 - Sarah posts to The Savvy Grouse.
- June 11, 2009 - Shannon posts to The Savvy Grouse.
- June 11, 2009 - Sarah & Shannon are interviewed by Michelle Paiva, host of "Pulse" on WCHE Talk Radio 1520.