My six year old grandson's main occupation is asking questions. All. Day. Long.
However, he does not ask ordinary, childish questions.
Here's an example (from what I can remember. Often his questions cause my brain to temporarily stop functioning.)
Can an ax go through chain mail? Can a mace?
What is a squire?
What army attacked Egypt?
How does a muscle work?
How do you make chain mail? Is chain mail stronger than armor?
Is Kipling still alive? Did my parents know him?
What does "drama" mean?
uh......{blink} {blink} Go ahead. Try to define the word "drama" for a six year old. Here's how I did it:
Drama is the opposite of comedy. If drama goes unchecked it can lead to tragedy.
I know. Brilliant. That's why I'm a grandma.
Today was the day I was scheduled to fly home after snuggling a newborn for two weeks. Ah, the best laid plans of mice and men....
So I have a three day extension but we need to keep petitioning heaven for an end to this agonizing wait.