This Week's Topic: Learning That Coupon Lingo!
One of the most common questions that I am asked is: "I don't understand what your coupon abbreviations mean. How do I know where to find the coupon you're writing about?"
Get ready for a crash course in Couponing Terms!
When I write about deals that I find at the store using coupons, I will typically write the coupon similar to this: $.75/1 RP 4/5.
Translation: I used a coupon from the April 5th Red Plum insert. Its value is 75 cents off of 1 item.
Here are some common coupon related abbreviations:
SS: SmartSource insert
RP: Red Plum insert
P&G: Proctor and Gamble insert
Unilever: Unilever Insert
DND: Do not double
DNT: Do not triple
YMMV: Your mileage may vary (what works for one person at one store may or may not work for you)
B1G1/BOGO: Buy one get one
WYB: When you buy
OYNO: On your next order
OOP: Out of pocket
Next Week's Topic: Where to find coupon match-ups for your favorite stores!
Devon posts regularly on her blog, When she is not blogging or designing personalized candy wrappers for her store, Winterwood Press, she is spending time with her husband and her 9 month old daughter.