Who’s the one with the stinky pants?

Baby Clean Fun is a CD of 16 short, catchy tunes that turn challenging daily tasks into fun parent-child bonding moments.

I recently had the opportunity to talk to Baby Clean Fun, co-creator Michelle Cruz and asked her a few questions about how the idea for the CD was born.

The idea for the CD came up when co-creator Beth, mother of 3, would sing "Mr. Washcloth" to her baby to distract her and clean her up after meals. The song was so catchy that Michelle remembered it and sang it to her children. Amazingly, Michelle had the same reaction that Beth had. Singing the song made after meal clean up a breeze!

The two friends, thought if this could work with cleaning up after meals, it would certainly work with other challenges like getting baby to eat, washing little hands, and putting on shoes... just to name a few. Before they knew it there were 16 songs for 15 different tasks.
To hear a sample of the songs & view the lyrics click here

The Baby Clean Fun moms are from Lancaster County and worked long and hard to get their CD produced. Support local Moms and order a copy of Baby Clean Fun today! FREE Shipping until December 25th.

Facebook-ers... click here to become a fan of Baby Clean Fun.

I am a HUGE fan of "Baby Clean Fun" and would like to share a copy of the CD with one lucky Chester County Moms reader. My 3 year old daughter and I sing 'Gotta Brush" every night while brushing her teeth. Our rule is, when I am done singing she is done brushing.
It has totally worked and I know she is brushing for more than a few seconds.

To enter this contest please email contests@chestercountymoms.com and enter Baby Clean Fun in the subject line.**

**This contest will end at midnight on November 30th. The winner will be notified via email and has 10 days to respond. If the winner fails to reply within 10 days we will pick another winner. The winner of the contest must be a Chester County resident.