The girls were sleeping. We still had hours ahead of us before we were snuggled soundly in our own beds. Although we had a great time I was tired and ready to get home. I had missed sweet thing. I missed Mag's too. As the music played my mind wandered back to the summer of 1976. The Bee Gee's were playing. I grinned. G-d, I could still remember it as if it were yesterday. It was me and T. back then. It was always me and T. She was the most beautiful friend I had ever had. Back then, I was a bit homely awkward and hadn't really blossomed yet. All naturale in the day! Still wearing braces and aviator glasses. I looked like a cross between Steve McQueen, Adam Ant and a giant bug. Hot. And if that wasn't enough I was quite ignorant innocent when it came to the male beast. True. Seriously. Anyway, I think if there ever was a girl crush this was it. I simply adored her. No. I Idolized her. She didn't know how hot she was even with guys tripping over themselves to talk to her. There couldn't have been a sweeter more genuine person. Ev-ah. We were inseparable. We biked back and forth to one another's home almost daily, which was well over 10 miles one way!! We would pedal (that's right on a bicycle!) all over town wearing nothing more than short shorts and bathing suit tops. No wonder we had great legs. It never failed however when she spent the night at my house we were always (I mean always) out of toilet paper. What family with five girls ever runs out of toilet paper? My mom was notorious for forgetting the paper on her weekly shop! Even with a list. We use to tease when we ran out that "T. must be coming". I snorted out loud as I recall the evening we tapped in to her dads liquor cabinet and how we giggled till we pee'd ourselves with our silly talk. G-d that was some nasty shit. it did taste better the more we drank. My fondest memory would be how we practiced diligently for drill team try-outs for weeks only to discover only one of us would win. She was after all the better dancer. But I was still crushed. I wanted this to be something we did together. And the night we ran up and down Cherry Bottom Road (yeah I swear that was the name) stark ass naked for no other reason than a silly dare. We would take off running as we tore our clothes off laughing and squealing hysterically ducking behind the trees at the slightest rumbling of a car coming. All you could see were the teeny weeny white tan lines of our bathing suits and hear the laughter four states away. There was that time when the car snuck up on us. We took of running only to realize the car was pulling in her lane! We barely crawled beneath the covers --still undressed where we heard her dads key in the door. Shit, our hearts were pounding. We were so almost busted. We both just cracked up. I loved more than anything spending all my free time at her house. Not only did she have this awesome home filled with gorgeous antiques, but her parent's were the most handsome couple I'd ever met. They both exuded such sex appeal. It was so easy to be around them. And her brother was simply adorable. Even at five or six years younger than us. Her dad was a dead ringer for Clark Gable and had this super cool inspector job. I thought it was so funny when T. would share stories of his inspecitins at the local "peep shop". And her mother might as well have been an identical twin of Connie Stevens. Smoking ass hot. I can't remember what her mom did but I'd like to believe that she had some big executive job. I still giggle the time T. and I were snooping found pictures of her mom and her best friend posing in some pretty provocative poses and if memory serves me they were covered with nothing more than a large beach hat! We laughed our silly asses off. I thought at that very moment her mom was and couldn't possibly be any cooler. She never judged. EVER. She always called everyone "kid" it was just her way. She allowed her kids to work things out for themselves, but she was always there for them. When T. told me her mom and dad were getting divorced I think I cried harder. I thought they would always be together and T. and I were going to be best friends forever. T. had the most amazing relationship with her mom. It was no surprise that when T. had her own daughter they too would have a close loving relationship. Her mother had done well. I'd always said if I had kids I hoped I had the same kind of relationship with my kids. I have been thinking about her a lot lately and have wondered why or how we allowed space to come between us. Sure, we both got married years ago. And divorced. And re-married. I know I've moved around and probably have made it difficult keeping up with. We're still friends, but I miss what we once had. I hope you know "kid" I will always love you. No matter what. I hope to grow up to be just like you...... Stay tuned the story continues....