No words needed.....

There were no words needed between s.t. (sweet thing) and I those first couple days in China. It was as if we were one. He would fetch lunch, and most often dinner too while I stayed back at the room with the babies. We didn't take many meals outside the confines of our protective compound. it was too much work! We traveled to China as two. And we returned home a family of four. I remember us watching Florida play in the play-offs in our room while feeding the babies and feeling happier than I've ever been in my life. Oh sure I was exhausted, but believe it or not I would get up every morning at 5:00am so that I could shower and have a cup of hot tea before the girls woke up. We had decided long before travel plans that we would make the trip solo. Sure we got a lot of slack for it, but frankly we didn't care. We knew we could do this. This was going to be our experience, and ours only. Not that we didn't want to share the girls, but we knew once we returned home it would be nearly impossible keeping the masses at bay. They were all anxiously waiting our arrival to see our perfectly beautiful, healthy babies. We couldn't hold the "mil" though. She would be standing on our door step nearly three weeks later! And s.t. would travel out of town two weeks after her departure on a business trip to Las Vegas. Hmm, business trip? *snort* Right. I mean it was like a circus at our house back in the early days home. Door bell ringing, babies crying, packages being delivered, babies crying, phone ringing, babies crying... did I mention babies crying? All. The. Time. Maybe he needed a little rest. Poor baby. We were (when I think back) walking zombies the first year. We both went back to work within a week of returning from China. I know, crazy! But we also had the girls on our schedule too. Not for the weak at heart. Anyway, my sister (one of 3) would fly in to help with the babies while s.t was gone. She was so helpful with the babies too. Of course she is a natural. She could make Mr. Grinch smile. She just has a way about her.

Her are some pictures up until the girls were about 1.5 years old. S.T. absolutely hated any of the pictures with the bows. He thought they were the most ridiculous thing he'd ever seen! What he didn't know and the reason I made the girls wear them (they too hated them) was I had given my right kidney for those damn ugly things! I needed to have my head examined I don't know why I bought into it, I am so not a "bow" person. Oh, I'm girly and all, but "uptown" girly. Well, use to. sorta. Enjoy.
Pictures of girls sleeping is righ after I gave the babies too much cough syrup! I thought I had killed them...they were out cold within seconds.