I've been noticing the ever so obvious "enhancements"(please tell me you did too) of some of my fellow sisters lately. They've gotten bigger, fuller, perkier, more voluptuous, curvaceous and frankly sexier. Simply put, more confidant. (get your head outta the gutter pervert-we're talking blogs here!) Anyway take her for instance, or her and her and don't forgot this one, or her the hostess with the mostess and then there's my twin who I live vicariously through and seek her head nodding approval on everything. Seriously. Do you approve Master? Hangin head sheepishly in anticipation. And our fellowGator So it got me thinking that maybe I needed a lil' somin' somin' too! But I had no idea that my "miracle" would literally fall into my lap like a bolt of lighting. It started off very innocently. She asked "would you like me to see what I can do"? I of course perked up like she had injected an aphrodisiac, or in my case a little "botox" and immediately said "yes, yes, yes" like a crack addict! She clearly had me at this point. There was no turning back. There were a few moments where we didn't know if I was going to make it but she pulled through in the end and brought me back to life. Ok. So who can guess who the real surgeon was that preformed the miracle surgery and gave me back my youth? With a lot of
There will be a prize to the lucky winner. Have at it girls......