The Hello Good-bye Party for Ja-Or and Mai

We had a "hello good-bye" pizza party for Ja-Or and Mai last night. It could have easily been a "Miss Universe" contest or the United Nations party. Really gorgeous girls. There were girls from Korea, Panama, Poland, Spain and of course Thailand! There was also the lone male, Marcus who must be the the envy of most males getting to hang with all the ladies. Had to be an ego booster for him when they hit the clubs in D.C. later that evening.

Ja-Or arrived in the country last year while we were still in China. It was not how I had envisioned her introduction to the states. However, for those of your who are waiting or have gone through the process you know when you finally get your travel approval you go. You run. (Thank goodness I had packed months before!!) We were lucky to have awesome neighbor's who took care of Ja-Or until we arrived home. Ja-Or will now pass the baton to Mai. The changing of the guard.

As I reflect and reminisce back on the last year, was it chaotic? Traumatic? Oh yea. But there were some good times. A few. It was a huge adjustment. For all of us. Ja-Or was such a trooper, and she helped us enormously! Yea, baby we made it!!! Ja-Or will be studying in London in the fall. She is pursuing her masters degree. We will miss you so much.....

Although we don't know Mai (pronounced My) as well yet, we are so excited to have her join our family. Not only is she beautiful but she is quite sweet with the girls. She is a recent college graduate from Thailand and will be studying english while here in the U.S. From the moment she walked in the door the girls started showing off. (they do what comes natural)They were doing splits and somersaults. Something I usually don't do when I meet people. Maybe they got that from Jeff?!

The girls all headed into D.C. for an evening of fun and dancing. I waited up (something I have always done when Ja-Or has gone out..) but at 1:50am I crawled up to bed. I heard them talking to Jeff this morning and they said they arrived home after 4:00am! Something about a car being towed.......Girls will be girls.....

I know Ja-Or's friend Milta will miss her terribly.